Category: Associate Professor
Areas of interest / research:
Public Finance
Tax Law
Economic Law
Regulation and Competition
Academic Degrees:
Doctorate in Law from the University of Lisbon, with the Dissertation, “Networked Sectors, Regulation for Competition”.
Scientific Research and Co-operation:
Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, since 2015;
Researcher at the Research Centre for European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law (CIDEEFF) since 2015;
Scientific Coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme in Tax Law at IDEFF.
Member of research centres:
Research Centre for European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law (CIDEEFF), since 2015.
Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals:
Member of the Portuguese Tax Association and the IFA;
Member of the Editorial Board of several specialised journals: “Direito do Ambiente e Urbanismo”; “Fiscalidade”; “Fisco”, “Cadernos Luso-Africanos de Direito”.

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, since 2019
Chairman of the Board of the General Assembly of the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, since 2015
Researcher at the Research Centre for European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law (CIDEEFF), since 2015
Scientific Coordinator of IDEFF’s Postgraduate Programme in Tax Law
Visiting Assistant Professor at ISCAL, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, since 2013
A lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon since the 1993-1994 academic year, he has taught practically all the curricular units of the Legal-Economic Sciences group at undergraduate level.
Thus, in the last 28 years he has only had a 3-year break from teaching, corresponding to the period in which he exercised governmental functions as Secretary of State for Tax Affairs (second part of the 2008-2009 academic year and first part of the 2009-2010 academic year) and 2 years of sabbatical (2005-2006 and 2014-2015 academic years).
Academic positions
2009-2011 Vice-Rector of the University of Lisbon and member of the Management Board of the University of Lisbon
2011-2014 Pro-Rector of the University of Lisbon and member of the Management Board of the University of Lisbon
2003 – 2015 Founding member of the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law
Professional experience relevant to legal and economic sciences
On 9th November 1995 he was appointed Assistant to the Finance Minister’s Office in the 13th Constitutional Government and Advisor to the Finance Minister’s Office in the 14th Constitutional Government, a position he held until July 2001.
He was a member of the European Union’s Banking Advisory Committee from 1995 to 2001, as well as the European Commission’s Senior Personality Network for the Introduction of the Euro from 1997 to 2002.
He was a collaborator with the European Council and the OECD, and coordinated the Group for the Introduction of the Euro in Public Financial Administration from 1996 to 2002.
He led the Portuguese team negotiating the Agreements for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and International Tax Evasion, successfully concluding 37 new agreements since 1997.
In July 2001 he became founder and partner of the law firm “Sousa Franco, Paz Ferreira & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados“, later Paz Ferreira & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados“,
In 2002 he became a member of the Chamber of Studies of the Chamber of Chartered Accountants, now the Order of Certified Accountants.
In January 2008 he joined the 17th Constitutional Government as Secretary of State for Tax Affairs.
In 2011, he became a Tax Partner at Ernst & Young, SA, where he was a member of the Board of Directors, Market Leader for Portugal and Angola, Government and Public Sector Leader and Tax Policy Leader for the Mediterranean area.
In 2010, he became President of the Property Tax Speciality College of the Portuguese Institute of Chartered Accountants.
In 2021, founds Lobo Vasques e Associados, Sociedade de Advogados
Participation in relevant organisations and editorial boards
Member of the Portuguese Tax Association and the IFA
He is a member of the Editorial Board of several specialised journals: “Direito do Ambiente e Urbanismo”; “Fiscalidade”; “Fisco”, “Cadernos Luso-Africanos de Direito”.
He is the author and co-author of books, articles and reports of an academic nature in the fields of Tax Law, Economic Law, Public Finance and Financial Law and Community Law, including:
LOBO, Carlos – Concorrência Bancária?, Coimbra, Almedina, 2001, 706 pages.
LOBO, Carlos – Networked Sectors, Regulation for Competition, Coimbra, Almedina, 2010, 861 pages,
LOBO, Carlos – Finance and Taxation of the Environment and Energy, Coimbra, Almedina, 2019
LOBO, Carlos – Finance and Taxation of Spatial Planning and Urbanism, Coimbra, Almedina, 2019
LOBO, Carlos and J. Amaral Thomaz- “Euro – Legal Aspects and Fundamental Practical Issues“, Rei dos Livro, Lisbon, 1998, 461 pages.
LOBO; Carlos and Sidónio Pardal- “Património Imobiliário – Referências para Avaliação”, Coimbra, Almedina, 2011,
LOBO, Carlos, Amílcar Nunes and Daniel Radu, – “Tobacco Taxation – an Economic and Tax Analysis. The Portuguese Approach“, foreword by Arthur B. Laffer, Lisbon, EY papers, 2018