Daniela Rodrigues Sousa

Categoria: Assistente Convidada

Areas of interest / research:

Insurance Law
Law of Obligations
Commercial Law
Commercial Companies
Civil Liability
Data Protection

Academic Degrees:

Graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2018)

Postgraduate Diploma in Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance (2018)

Master’s student in Commercial Law (since 2018)

Postgraduate in Insurance Law (2021)

Member of research centres:

Member of the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP).

Member of editorial boards of scientific journals:

Member of the Executive Committee of the Journal of Law and Technology (RDTEC).

Executive contributor to the Journal of Company Law (RDS)

Teaching activity at FDUL:
Invited Assistant – Degree Course (2018 – )
Currently teaches the subject Law of Obligations I and II
Other subjects already taught: Law of Succession, Commercial Law III and Executive Civil Procedural Law III.

Publicações mais relevantes:

Commentary on the General Data Protection Regulation and Law no. 58/2019, (coord.) A. Barreto Menezes Cordeiro – Annotation of articles 60 to 76, Almedina: Coimbra (2021).

“General considerations on the behavioural and internal organisation rules in the Preliminary Draft of the Banking Code”, Revista de Direito Financeiro e dos Mercados de Capitais – RDFMC, Vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 93-128 (2021).

“A concorrência desleal e o uso da marca”, in Civil Law Magazine, no. 1, Year VI, pp. 153-203, Almedina: Coimbra (2021).

“The protection of consumers’ personal data”, in Estudo de Direito do Consumo, (in press).

“The concept of personal data” in Estudo de Direito do Consumo, (in press).

“Changes in risk in insurance contracts: the reduction of risk” (in press)