Categoria: Associate Professor
Areas of interest / research:
Theory of Law
Fundamental Rights
Administrative Law
Philosophy of Law
Academic Degrees:
Licenciatura (1990)
Master’s Degree (1995)
Doctorate (2005)
Scientific Research and Co-operation:
Lisbon Legal Theory Group
International Organisation for Law and Social Philosophy (IVR)
i-Latina, Association of Philosophy of Law for the Latin World
Associação Portuguesa de Teoria do Direito, Filosofia do Direito e Filosofia Social – European Public Law Group
Member of research centres:
Public Law Research Centre
Member of editorial boards of scientific journals:
Archiwum Filozofii Prawa I Filozofii Społecznej
Analisi i Diritto
Fiat Justisia: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Eudaimonia – Journal for Legal, Political and Social Theory and Philosophy
Pravni Zapisi
Electronic Journal of Philosophy of Law
Journal of Legal Cultures
Other Professional Activities:

Publicações mais relevantes:
2022. Inference to the Best Explanation in Legal Science; On Balancing Contrastive Hypotheses. Metatheory of Law: Essays on the Methods of Jurisprudence and Legal Science. Edited by Mathieu Carpentier. New York: Wiley. 329-357.
2021. From Constitutional Discretion to the Positivist Weight Formula. Proportionality, Balancing, and Rights: Robert Alexy’s Theory of Constitutional Rights. Edited by Jan Sieckmann. Cham: Springer. 11-54.
2019. Legal Science: The Demarcation Problem and the Perimeter of “Good Science”. Legal Interpretation and Scientific Knowledge. Edited by David Duarte, Pedro Moniz Lopes and Jorge Silva Sampaio. Cham: Springer. 211-251.
2018. Gains and Losses in Balancing Social Rights. Proportionality in Law: An Analytic Perspective. Edited by David Duarte and Jorge Silva Sampaio. Cham: Springer. 49-70.
2018. Analogy and Balancing Once Again: A Reply to Bartosz Brożeck. Analogy and Exemplary Reasoning in Legal Discourse. Edited by Bastiaan van der Velden and Hendrik Kaptein. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 109-123.
2018. Norms on Language and the Regulativeness of Constitutive Norms. Diritto & Questione Publiche. XVIII. 1. 135-156.
2017. Alexy’s Theory of Rules and Principles. Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Edited by Mortimer Sellers and Stephan Kirste. Springer: Dordrecht. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6730-0_380-2. 1-6.
2016. Structuring Addressees in Fundamental Rights Norms: An Application. Fundamental Rights Justification and Interpretation. Edited by Kenneth Himma and Bojan Spaic. Den Haag: Eleven International Publishing. 83-94.
2015. Analogy and Balancing: The Partial Reducibility Thesis and its Problems. Revus. Journal for Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law. 25. 1-11.
2012. An Experimental Essay on the Antecedent and Its Formulation. i-Lex, Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche, Scienze Cognitive ed Intelligenza Artificiale. 16. 37-60.
2011. Linguistic Objectivity in Norm Sentences: Alternatives in Literal Meaning. Ratio Juris. 24. 2. 111-138.