Frederico Machado Simões

Category: Guest Assistant

Areas of interest / research:
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Administrative offences law

Academic Degrees:
Master’s Degree in Law and Legal Science, Specialising in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (2022);
Law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2016)

Member of research centres:
Researcher at the Centre for Research in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences.

Other Professional Activities:
Lawyer at the Securities Market Commission

Publicações mais relevantes:
Successive Offences in Administrative Offences Law, Coimbra, Almedina, 2022.

“O assistente enquanto cotitular da ação penal”, in Prof. Doutor Augusto Silva Dias In Memoriam, vol. II, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2022.

“Sobre o novo regime do concurso de infrações no Código dos Valores Mobiliários e o Princípio do Ne Bis in Idem“, in Revista de Concorrência e Regulação,nos. 33-34, 2018.

“Breach of banking secrecy in the investigation of organised crime”, in O Direito, no. 150, 2018.

“Breach of State Secrecy and Internal Denunciations”, in Anatomy of Crime, no. 6, 2017.

“Market manipulation and the principle of legality”, in Anatomy of Crime, no. 5, 2017.