Categoria: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest / research:
Criminal Procedure Law
Evidence Law
Administrative Offences Law
Administrative Sanctions, Regulatory and Disciplinary Law
Sports Law
Criminal Law
Economic and Financial Criminal Law
Academic Degrees:
Law degree from the University of Lisbon, completed in 1997;
Master’s Degree in Law (Legal-Criminal Sciences) from the University of Lisbon, completed in 2006.

Investigação e Cooperação Científicas:
Participation in various seminars, conferences, colloquia and postgraduate courses since 1998, organised by the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, the Centre for Judicial Studies, the Judicial Police School, the GNR Practical School, the Maritime Police, ASAE, among others;
Researcher at the Centre for Research in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (CIDPCC);
Founding member of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (until 2021);
Doctoral student in Legal and Criminal Sciences at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;
Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the PRAXIS XXI Programme, as part of the research for his Master’s dissertation on “Models of Consent and Medical Treatment, Contribution to the Analysis of Medical Criminal Liability” (2000-2001);
Member of Research Centres:
Integrated Researcher at the Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (CIDPCC), IDPCC, FDUL;
Researcher at the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP), IDP, FDUL.
Teaching or research activity in other higher education institutions:
Guest lecturer at the Military Academy, Lisbon (2009-12; 2019-20; 2020-21);
Guest lecturer at the Eduardo Mondlane University Faculty of Law, Maputo (201-2003).
Other professional activities:
Member of the Disciplinary Board of the Portuguese Football Federation (Professional Section);
Guest lecturer at the Military Academy;
Researcher (Integrated) at the Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences Research Centre (CIDPCC), IDPCC, FDUL and Researcher at the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP), IDP, FDUL.
Most relevant publications:
Novos Elementos de Estudo – Direito Processual Penal, (co-author, under the coordination of Paulo de Sousa Mendes), Lisbon: 2021 (1st reprint of 2nd ed.2020, 1st ed. 2009)
“Decision of prophylactic isolation as a deprivation of liberty subject to habeas corpus? – breve comentário ao acórdão do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa de 11.11.2020″ (co-authored with Rui Soares Pereira), Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, – Ano LXII, Vol. II, 2020, pp. 709-728
“Characteristics and principles of hidden methods in general and the (in)admissibility of electronic scanning in particular”, in Book in Memory of Professor João Curado Neves, (Coord. Maria Fernanda Palma, Augusto Silva Dias, Paulo Sousa Mendes, et all.), Lisbon: AAFDL, 2020, pp. 377-414
“The Right to the Image and to Evidence”, in Criminal Evidence, Theoretical and Practical, Coord. Paulo de Sousa Mendes and Rui Soares Pereira, Coimbra: Almedina, 2019, pp. 115-157
“Hidden methods in economic and financial crime: between (a)typicality and cumulation”, in Julgar, no. 38, 2019, pp. 45-84
Código deProcesso Penal e legislação complementar, Edição Universitária, (co-organiser, Coord. Augusto de Silva Dias), 10th edition, Lisbon: AAFDL, 2020 (1st edition 2011)
Penal Code and complementary legislation, University Edition, (co-organiser, under the Coord. Augusto de Silva Dias), 9th ed.
Elements of Study – Criminal Procedure Law, (co-author, Coord. Paulo de Sousa Mendes), Lisbon: AAFDL, 2018 (5th reprint of the 1st ed. 2009)
“Environmental wiretapping and sound and image recording”, in Criminal Investigation and Evidence Law, (Coord. Maria Fernanda Palma, Augusto Silva Dias and Paulo de Sousa Mendes), Coimbra: Almedina, 2014, pp. 273-298
Administrative Offences Law, Legislation and Case Law (co-organiser, Coord. Augusto de Silva Dias), Lisbon: AAFDL, 2013
“The special procedural regime applicable to organised (economic-financial) crime: scope of application of Law no. 5/2002, of 11 January, the regime of secrecy and voice and image recording”, in Economic and Financial Criminal Law, (Coord. Maria Fernanda Palma, Augusto Silva Dias and Paulo de Sousa Mendes), Coimbra: 2012, pp. 453-547
Solved Practical Cases – Criminal Procedure Law, Coord. Paulo de Sousa Mendes, Lisbon: AAFDL, 2011
Materials for the study of the Special Part of Criminal Law – Collection of Case Law – Crimes against life and physical integrity, (co-author, Coord. Augusto de Silva Dias), Lisbon: AAFDL, 2009