Miriam Cláudia Sousa Silva Afonso Brigas

Categoria: Assistant Professor in the Historical-Legal Sciences Group

Areas of interest / research:

History of Law – History of Family Law
Roman Law
Family Law
History of Private Law
Theory of Law
History of Legal Thought
Sociology of Law

Academic Degrees:

Licentiate Degree – 1997
Masters – 2003
Doctorate – 2012

Teaching or research activities at other higher education institutions:Lecturer at various private higher education institutions and at the Military Academy, under the Protocol between the Faculty of Law and the Military Academy.
Lecturer at the Lusíada University of Lisbon

Member of research centres:

Member of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon) and of the respective Research Centre (member of the Board).
Member of the “International Network of Researchers in Law and Justice” RIIDJ.
Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals:
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Interpretatio Prudentium Journal of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Member of the Scientific Council of Revista FIDES – Revista de Filosofia do Direito, do Estado e da Sociedade (17th, 19th and 23rd editions)

Other Professional Activities:

Reviewer/Evaluator for Revista Direito GV – Faculdade Getúlio Vargas since February 2019; for Ciências e Políticas Públicas – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas since May 2020; for Revista FIDES – Revista de Filosofia do Direito, do Estado e da Sociedade.
Legal adviser to ministerial offices.
Lawyer with voluntarily suspended registration.
Trainer at the Centre for Municipal Training Studies (CEFA).
Consultant to the Directorate-General for Justice Policy (DGPJ)

Presence on Faculty Bodies:

From 2014 to 2021 – Effective Member of the Scientific Council, having served on its Standing Committee. From February 2014 to December 2015, and from September 2018 to October 2019, she served as the body’s Secretary Professor.

From 2014 to 2019 – Effective Member of the Pedagogical Council.

Publicações mais relevantes:

“Vulnerability as a cornerstone of the cultural formation of Family Law. First reflections”, in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon Law Review, thematic issue, Vulnerabilidade(s) e Direito, Year LXII, 2021, number 1, Volume 1, pages 771-791. Available at Layout 1 (ulisboa.pt)

“The Family in times of COVID: the new challenges and the old problems that remain: reflections on a future with no possible forecast”, in Revista do Centro de Estudos Judiciários, 2020, II, pp. 175 to 198, Almedina, 2021.

Complementary Readings, History of Legal Thought, AAFDL, 2021.

“The paradigms of the family and their confrontation with a search for equality. Historical-legal perspective”, in Society, Education and Violence, Editora Quartier Latin do Brasil, São Paulo, 2020, pp. 377 to 389.

“Prolegomena to the History of Family Law. Algumas reflexões”, Legal History Yearbook, I, Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, 2020, I, pp. 203 to 225.

“The Family and the Law. A heritage yet to be rescued: First Reflections – Concepts in the History of Family Law in particular”, in I Postgraduate Programme in the History of Family Law. The historical-legal heritage and the interdisciplinary perspective, AAFDL, 2020, pp. 81 to 92.

“O Título XXXVIII do Livro V das Ordenações Filipinas: “Do que matou sua molher, pola achar em adultério” First notes on adultery in 17th century Portuguese legislation and doctrine”, in Scientia Iuridica – Tomo LXVIII, 2019, no. 351, pp. 391 to 401.

“The patriarchal heritage in the construction of female identity in 19th and 20th century civil legislation – From the obedient wife to the married woman with apparent rights“, III International Conference on Gender Studies. The Feminine in the Italian Context and in Portuguese, published as an ebook, available at https://studidigenere.wixsite.com/studidigenere/pubblicazioni, 2019, pp. 117 to 129.

“The Woman in the Civil Code of 1867 – the slow recognition of the right of the female legal subject”, in Revista de Filosofia do Direito do Estado e da Sociedade (FIDES), 19th edition, 2019.

“Family Law in the History of Portuguese Law (from the 18th century to the antecedents of the first Civil Code – New Reflections”, volume II, AAFDL, 2019. http://livraria.aafdl.pt/index.php?id_product=880&id_product_attribute=0&rewrite=o-direito-da-familia-na-historia-do-direito-portugues-volume-ii&controller=product&id_lang=2

“The historical-legal background of the family. Biological inheritance in Portuguese law”, pp. 45-58, in Os desafios da sociedade contemporânea no pós-Estado Social”, Arraes Editores, Belo Horizonte, 2019.

“Marriage in the 1910 legislation in Portugal. A paradigm shift in family relations”, pp. 451-479, in Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Springer, 2018. See https://www.torrossa.com/en/re sources/an/4476787

Notas sobre a dimensão pública do casamento na legislação dos séculos XVII e XVIII: uma primeira abordagem”, in Revista de Filosofia do Direito, do Estado e da Sociedade, FIDES, 17th edition, 2018, pp. 61-76.

“O Direito da Família na História do Direito Português (dos antecedentes ao século XVIII) Primeiras Reflexões”, volume I, AAFDL, 2018. http://livraria.aafdl.pt/index.php?id_product=730&id_product_attribute=0&rewrite=o-direito-da-familia-na-historia-do-direito-portugues-volume-i&controller=product&id_lang=2

“Textos de História do Direito Português”, co-authored with Ana Caldeira Fouto, Ana Margarida Pires Seixas, Filipe Arede Nunes and Jorge Silva Santos, AAFDL, 2018. http://livraria.aafdl.pt/index.php?id_product=722&id_product_attribute=0&rewrite=textos-de-historia-do-direito&controller=product&id_lang=2

“The construction of sexual duties in the 19th century. Adultery as a sexual crime in particular”, in Teoria e História do Direito, Revista do THD – Centro de Investigação da Universidade de Lisboa, no. 3, 2/2017, pp. 167-177, available at https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/6ac201_046765ae036042ddb5035d5a34d16ba3.pdf from 10.04.2018.