Rute Saraiva

Categoria: Assistant Professor

Areas of interest / Research:
Law and Economics (including Regulation, Financial Markets and Social Economy)
Environmental, Animal, Agri-Food and Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Law
Law and Psychology (including Behavioural Law and Economics)
Family, Elderly and Disability Law
Legal Education

Academic Degrees:
Law Degree, (1997)
Master’s Degree in International Legal Sciences, (2002)
Doctorate in Legal and Economic Sciences, (2010)

Investigação e Cooperação Científicas
Member of the Joint Experiment of Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM), the global R&D network of the GEOGLAM (Global Agriculture Monitoring) initiative of the GEO international consortium; of the F3 College – Food, Farming and Forestry of the University of Lisbon; of the interdisciplinary Thematic Network Sea of the University of Lisbon, of the University of Lisbon Working Group on Social Innovation; of the interdisciplinary Thematic Network Agro-Food and Forestry of the University of Lisbon.

Member of research centres:
Research Centre for European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law (CIDEEFF).
CoLabor – Collaborative Laboratory for Labour, Employment and Social Protection

Member of editorial boards of scientific journals:
Referee of the Journal of Language and Education, Higher School of Economics – National Research University, Moscow; of the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets; of the Journal of Administrative Law of the Rio de Janeiro Law School of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV Direito Rio; of the Journal of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
Scientific Council of the journal FIDES – Filosofia do Direito, do Estado e da Sociedade, of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; Campo Jurídico – Revista de Direito Agroambiental e Teoria do Direito – FASB, Bahia, Brazil.
Editor of the Journal of Competition and Regulation.

Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions:

  • Institute of Legal and Political Sciences
  • Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law
  • ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon
  • Faculty of Law of UCP-Porto
  • Military Academy
  • Higher Technical Institute
  • Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon
  • Cape Verde Institute of Social and Legal Sciences – Praia, Cape Verde
  • Eduardo Mondlane University Faculty of Law – Maputo, Mozambique
  • Unizambeze Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – Beira, Mozambique
  • 11 November University Law School – Cabinda, Angola
  • Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University Law School – Lubango, Angola
  • University of Guinea-Bissau Law School – Bissau, Guinea
  • Salgãocar College of Law – Pangim, Goa, India

Other Professional Activities:
Young farmer – PRODER

Most Relevant Publications:
Saraiva, R. and Soares Pinto, A. (2019). The status of people with disabilities in the ECHR. In P. Pinto de Albuquerque (coord.) Commentary on the European Convention on Human Rights. Lisbon : UCP. (in press).

Saraiva, R. (2018). The Regulation of Media Violence in Portugal. Observatory Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, Palmas.

Saraiva, R. (2018). The Private Institutions of Social Solidarity. In C. Amado Gomes, A. Neves e T. Serrão (coord), Novos modelos, novos actores da organização administrativa, Vol. 2. Lisboa : AAFDL/ICJP/CIDP

Saraiva, R. (2017). The Public Regulation of Social Economy Entities. Revista Cooperativismo e Economia Social, University of Vigo, no. 39, Course 2016/2017.

Saraiva, R. (2017). Behavioural and evolutionary approach to the Law and Economics of cap-and-trade. In K. Mathis, B. Huber B. (Eds) Environmental Law and Economics. Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship (Vol 4, pp. 405-435). Cham : Springer.

Saraiva, R., Flávio de Oliveira, A. (2016). The São Paulo Court of Justice and the cancellation of a fine imposed on Mc Donald’s for abusive advertising. Or: whose job is it to educate our children? Revista de Direito do Consumidor, no. 106, pp. 325-356.

Saraiva, R. (2016). Academic Fraud at Hogwarts – Behavioural Law and Economics: Lessons for ‘Muggles’ of all Ages. In K. Mathis, A. Tor (Eds) Nudging – Possibilities, Limitations and Applications in European Law and Economics. Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship (Vol. III, Chap. 17, pp. 343-374). Cham : Springer.

Saraiva, R. (2016). The ruralisation of cities: urban gardens and other examples. In C. Amado Gomes and T. Caldeira Antunes (coord.) O Ambiente e a Cidade. Lisbon: ICJP/CIDP.

Saraiva, R. (2015). Financial Markets Law (2nd revised and expanded edition). Lisbon : AAFDL.

Saraiva, R. (2015). A brief Portuguese look at the financial supervision model in Macau. Revista de Concorrência & Regulação, no. 20-21, pp. 167-180.
Saraiva, R. (2014). Behavioural Economics Insights for International Environmental Law. In V. Sancin & M. Kovič Dine (Eds.) International Environmental Law: Contemporary Concerns and Challenges in 2014. Ljubljana : GV Založba.