Teresa Quintela de Brito

Categoria: Assistant Professor

Areas of interest / research:
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law; Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law of Legal Persons and Similar Entities; Special Criminal Law and Medical Criminal Law; Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law; Cybercrime and Digital Evidence; International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law; Crimes against animals.

Academic Degrees:
Law degree (FDUL: 1988);
Trainee Assistant (FDUL: 1991);
Master’s Degree in Legal Sciences. Speciality: Criminal Law (FDUL: 1996);
PhD in Law. Speciality: Criminal Law (FDUL: 2013)

Scientific Research and Cooperation

Scientific Associations:
Instituto de Direito Penal e Ciências Criminais (IDPCC/FDUL): Associate, Chair of the General Assembly (between May 2017 and November 2019) and currently First Member of the Board.
Centre for Biomedical Law (University of Coimbra Faculty of Law): Associate member since February 2007.
Jorge de Figueiredo Dias Group of Criminal Law and Procedure Professors: Full member since 2012 (organiser and participant in the 1st Meeting, speaker at the 3rd Meeting of the Group).

Research Centres:
Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (CIDPCC/FDUL): member of the Scientific Council and integrated researcher;
Centre for Research and Development on Law and Society (CEDIS/Faculty of Law, New University of Lisbon): since 2013, researcher in the Criminalia Group, involved in the following lines of research: “New times, new crimes, new criminal laws”, Module 1: “Crimes against people”; and “Administrative offences”.

Scientific journals:

Permanent collaboration
Lex Medicinae – Portuguese Journal of Health Law (Biomedical Law Centre/FDUC), since March 2003;
Portuguese Journal of Criminal Science, since July 2004.

Peer review
Journal of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon/Lisbon Law Review, since May 2018.

Editorial Boards
Member of the Editorial Board and Peer reviewer of Anatomia do Crime. Revista de Ciências Jurídico-Criminais, since its creation (2014);
Member of the Editorial Board of Revista de Concorrência e Regulação/Autoridade da Concorrência, since 2016.

Member of international research projects:
Between 2017 and March 2021, co-investigator in charge of the HIPÁTIA Project – Gender Violence: Exception or Culture?, CIDPCC/FDUL;
Since 2020, researcher of the TESEU Project – Crimes against the mind, Centre for Research in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (CIDPCC), of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (IDPCC/FDUL).

Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions:
Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (January 1989 to 31 July 1998) – Teaching Assistant and Assistant Professor;
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculty of Law – Invited Assistant Professor (September 2012 to 31 July 2018);
Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht, Freiburg/ Breisgau: Deutscher akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) – Doktorandenstipendiat (1 to 30 September 1993).

Other Professional Activities:
Lawyer (with suspended registration with the Portuguese Bar Association), having completed her internship under the guidance of Teresa Serra, at Entreposto Nissan (Lisbon).
April 2004 to 31 March 2005: Consultant in the areas of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the then Legislative Policy and Planning Office of the Ministry of Justice (GPLP) where, among other tasks:
– Collaborated on the Reform of the General Part of the Penal Code, specifically in terms of sentences, alternative measures to prison, security measures and probation;
– Was a member [as a representative of the GPLP] of the Commission that drew up the third Draft Law on the Execution of Custodial Sentences and Measures; and
– On behalf of the GPLP, he chaired the Commission that prepared the first Draft Law on the Court for the Execution of Sentences.
The latter two pieces of work, among others, served as the basis for the current Code for the Execution of Sentences and Measures involving Custody (Law no. 115/2009, of 12 October).
She is a legal consultant who has given opinions to various public and private organisations.

Current Teaching Activity at FDUL:
Criminal Procedure Law (1st Cycle), Special Criminal Law (1st Cycle), Criminal Procedure Law II and Criminal Procedure Law III (2nd Cycle), Cybercrime and Digital Evidence (2nd Cycle).

Publicações Mais Relevantes:

  • 1991: Crime committed in a state of self-inflicted incompetence through the consumption of alcohol or drugs (contribution to an analysis of article 282 of the Penal Code in the light of the principle of guilt), Lisbon: AAFDL;
  • 1994: The right of necessity and legitimate defence in the Civil Code and the Penal Code, Lisbon: Lex;
  • 2000: The attempt in commissive offences by omission: a problem of delimitation of the typical conduct, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora;
  • 2002: “Responsabilidade penal dos médicos: análise dos principais tipos incriminadores”, Portuguese Journal of Criminal Science, Year 12, pp. 371-409;
  • 2004: “Direct active euthanasia and aiding suicide: non-punishability?”, Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra, Vol. 80, pp. 563-611;
  • 2005: “Interruption of artificial feeding and hydration of a person in a persistent vegetative state”, Portuguese Journal of Criminal Science, no. 15, pp. 557-607;
  • 2006: “Recusa de Médico “agravada pelo resultado”, Omissão de Auxílio e Abandono por médico: delimitação e (alguns) problemas”, Lex Medicinae – Portuguese Journal of Health Law, Year 3 (2006), no. 5, pp. 131-144;
  • 2007: (Org.) Criminal Law. Parte Especial: Lições, Estudos e Casos, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, 2007, the 2nd edition of which is being published by AAFDL Editora;
  • 2009: “Autoria das contra-ordenações e dos dirigentes de organizações”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Jorge de Figueiredo Dias, (Org.), Manuel da Costa Andrade/Susana Aires de Sousa/Maria João Antunes, Vol. II, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, pp. 203-231;
  • 2010: “Criminal liability of collective entities. Algumas questões em torno da interpretação do artigo 11.º do Código Penal”, Portuguese Journal of Criminal Science, Year 20, no. 1, January-March, pp. 41-71;
  • 2013: “Questions of proof and legal models of administrative offence and criminal liability of collective entities”, in Direito Penal. Dogmatic and political-criminal foundations. Homenagem ao Prof. Peter Hünerfeld, (Org.) Manuel da Costa Andrade/José de Faria Costa/Anabela Miranda Rodrigues/Helena Moniz/Sónia Fidalgo, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, pp. 1209-1264;
  • 2014: “A relevância dos mecanismos de Compliance na responsabilização penal das pessoas colectivas e dos seus dirigentes”, Anatomia do Revista de Ciências Jurídico-Criminais, Year 0, July-December, pp. 75-91;
  • 2016: “Crimes against animals: the new Draft Laws to amend the Code”, Anatomia do Crime. Revista de Ciências Jurídico-Criminais, No. 4, July-December, pp. 95-131;
  • 2018: “Compliance, corporate culture and the criminal guilt of legal entities”, in Estudos sobre Law Enforcement, Compliance e Direito Penal, (Coord.) Maria Fernanda Palma/Augusto Silva Dias/Paulo Sousa Mendes, Coimbra: Almedina, 1st and 2nd ed;
  • 2019: “Material criminal procedural rules and the problem of their succession in the Portuguese legal system”, Anatomy of Crime. Revista de Ciências Jurídico-Criminais, no. 9, January-July, pp. 151-178;
  • 2020: “Gender, new conceptions of human rights and forms of criminal violence”, in Livro em Memória do Professor Doutor João Curado Neves, (Org.) Maria Fernanda Palma/Augusto Silva Dias/Paulo de Sousa Mendes/Teresa Quintela de Brito/João Gouveia de Caires/Catarina Abegão Alves, Lisbon: AAFDL, pp. 513-539;
  • 2020: “Harmful gender stereotypes in legal practice: denial of access to law and the courts”, Anatomy of Crime. Revista de Ciências Jurídico-Criminais, no. 11, January-June, 2020, pp. 167-219;
  • 2021: “Crimes against humanity”, in Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Direito Internacional, (Coord.) Manuel de Almeida Ribeiro (UL)/Marcílio Franca (UFP), (Eds.) Aziz Saliba (UFMG),Dário Moura Vicente (UL), Fernando Loureiro Bastos (UL), George Rodrigo Bandeira Galindo (UnB), Fábio Morosini (UFRGS), Portuguese Society of International Law and International Law Association – Brazil (accepted for publication in April 2020).