Corporate Presentation

Portugal and Brazil are linked by centuries-old historical ties. The communion of destinies that unites us surpasses the geographical distance that separates us. The influences are many and reciprocal, starting with the language and continuing in literature, music, fashion, food, in short, in a whole range of socio-cultural expressions. It would therefore be strange for law, a cultural phenomenon par excellence, to remain indifferent to this inevitable connection.

At the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, cooperation with Brazil has had its various institutes and research centres as important hubs. Notwithstanding these activities, the Institute of Brazilian Law (IDB) is the natural place to promote academic collaboration initiatives with Brazilian institutions involved in the study and application of law, either directly or in association with the activities of other institutes and research centres. In fact, under the terms of the Faculty’s Statutes, the IDB is a technical-scientific administrative unit dedicated to promoting and supporting studies in Brazilian Law and, in particular, its links with Portuguese Law.

As part of its remit, the IDB has, especially since the beginning of the 21st century, signed numerous cooperation protocols with Brazilian universities, as well as with associations representing judges and magistrates. It is also worth mentioning the initiatives promoted by the IDB with Brazilian magistrates’ schools to offer master’s degree courses, in the same way as other similar university institutions. These protocols have resulted in a fruitful dialogue that has taken the form of colloquia, classes and research stays at the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Law, which should be multiplied in order to strengthen ties and increase dialogue between legal systems.