Digital books


Author: Carla Amado Gomes, Ana Fernanda Neves and Eurico Bitencourt (coordinators)

Publisher: ICJP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-67-6

Year of Publication: 2023

Proceedings of the IV Luso-Brazilian Colloquium on Public Law:


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.16

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Marco Villas Boas (coord.) and Ângela Issa Haonat, Bleine Queiroz Caúla and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.))

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-62-1

Year of Publication: 2023

“[…] The XII ACI Dialogue – Theme Rule of Law, Environment and Nature – was hosted by the Superior School of Magistrates of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) in June 2018. We would like to thank Judge Marco Villas Boas and Professor Hugo Iván Echeverría for their impeccable organisation.

Volume 16 compiles articles by speakers and guest authors: Anna Ciammariconi, Monique Mosca; Francisco Lisboa Rodrigues; Reuber Araújo Almeida; Maria Eduarda Ferreira da Silva Cruz.

The Diálogo ACI academic project renews scientific commitment, the promotion of research initiation and the methodological quality of the articles published.

The publication is printed by the Tocantins State Court of Justice. The international e-Book, in Portuguese, is published by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

The international e-book Diálogo ACI – volume 16 pays tribute to professor and jurist Helena Caúla Reis (in memoriam). Her professional career is an example of uprightness in the legal profession. […]”


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.15

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Hugo Iván Echeverría (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Marco Villas Boas and Kennedy Reial Linhares (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-61-4

Year of Publication: 2023

[…] The XII ACI Dialogue – Theme Rule of Law, Environment and Nature, was hosted by the Superior School of Magistrates of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador) in June 2018. We would like to thank Judge Marco Villas Boas and Professor Hugo Iván Echeverría for their impeccable organisation of the event.

[…The Coordination for the Support of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, have made a significant contribution to the continuity of the event, which in 2022 completed sixteen editions, travelling through Brazilian cities such as Fortaleza, Brasília, Belém, Belo Horizonte, Palmas, Marília and Rio de Janeiro; and abroad Quito (Ecuador), Lisbon, Porto and Braga (Portugal), Tarragona, Santiago de Compostela, Sevilla and Madrid (Spain), Teramo (Italy). […]


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.14

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Anabela Costa Leão (Coord.) and Beatriz Souza Costa, Bleine Queiroz Caúla and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-58-4

Year of Publication: 2022

[…] The XI ICA Dialogue chose the theme “Socio-environmental and Economic Development: dialogue for a planet in crisis”. It was hosted by the Dom Helder Câmara Higher School (ESDHC) in Brazil and the University of Porto (UP) in Portugal in September and November 2017. We would like to thank Professors Beatriz Costa, Marta Chantal Ribeiro and Anabela Costa Leão for their impeccable organisation of the event. Volume 14 compiles the articles by the event’s speakers. We would like to thank the authors who are holders of academic knowledge.

The Coordenação de Apoio de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), the Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, the Centro de Investigação Jurídico Económica (CIJE) of the University of Porto, have made a significant contribution to the continuity of the event. […]


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.13

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Marta Chantal Ribeiro (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla and Kamile Moreira Castro (org.)

Publisher: -ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-57-7

Year of Publication: 2022

[…] The XI ICA Dialogue chose the theme “Socio-environmental and Economic Development: dialogue for a planet in crisis”. It was hosted by the Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara – ESDHC, in Brazil, and by the University of Porto – UP, in Portugal, in September and November 2017. We would like to thank Professors Beatriz Costa, Marta Chantal Ribeiro and Anabela Costa Leão for their impeccable organisation of the event. Volume 13 compiles the articles submitted, approved and presented at this edition of the event. At this time, we would like to thank the authors for their academic expertise.

The Coordenação de Apoio de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), the Instituto de Ciências Jurídico-Políticas (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, the Centro de Investigação Jurídico Económica (CIJE) of the University of Porto, have made a significant contribution to the continuity of the event. […]



Author: Carlos Blanco de Morais and Flávio Pansieri (eds.); Luís Henrique Braga Madalena, Rene Erick Sampar and Vania De Aguiar (Coord.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-53-9

Year of Publication: 2022

“It is part of the statutory mission of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences to carry out joint scientific actions that encourage increased exchange and co-operation with related foreign entities.

The hosting and co-organisation of the 5th edition of the Summer School of the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law, which took place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon between 7 and 11 October 2019, was part of this line of action, and was a pleasant and stimulating experience of scientific interaction […]

This experience is now borne witness to with the publication of this volume, which compiles the communications and papers presented at this edition of the Summer School of the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law.”


The Ombudsman in Portuguese-speaking countries

Author: Ana Rita Gil

Publisher: ICJP-CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-52-2

Year of Publication: 2021

“This study analyses the creation and development of the “Ombudsman” in Portuguese-speaking countries. In most of them, this body for the defence of the rights of the administered was created along the lines of the Portuguese model, inspired by the Scandinavian figure of the Ombudsman. In other countries, this is not the case, as this mission has been entrusted to another institution, or there is no similar institution.

This book is divided into two parts. The first is an analytical study of the diffusion and reception of the Portuguese Ombudsman model in Portuguese-speaking countries. The second part collects the most relevant legislation on the fundamental principles governing this figure in the Portuguese-speaking countries that know it.”


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.12

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Susana Borràs Pentinat (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Marco Anthony Steveson Villas Boas and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-50-8

Year of Publication: 2021

[…] The International e-Book Volume 12 compiles the articles by Brazilian and foreign speakers at the 10th ICA Dialogue – held in May and June 2017 at the Higher School of the Judiciary of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) in Catalonia-Spain. Special thanks to Professor Susana Borràs Pentinat of the URV and Judge Marco Villas Boas of the TJTO. The international work has been adapted by ABNT to the publication standards of the ICJP of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

The Coordination for the Support of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, the Centre for Environmental Law Studies of Tarragona (CEDAT), the Centre for Legal Sciences (CCJ) and the Vice-Rectory for Postgraduate Studies of Unifor have made a significant contribution to the continuity of the event. […]


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.11

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Susana Borràs Pentinat (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Marco Anthony Steveson Villas Boas and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-51-5

Year of Publication: 2021

[…] The International e-Book Volume 11 compiles the articles presented at the X ACI Dialogue – held in May and June 2017, at the Superior School of the Tocantins Magistracy (ESMAT) and the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), in Catalonia-Spain. The publication of the work as an international e-book promotes research in the Environmental (7 articles); Constitutional (7 articles); and International (8 articles) areas, bringing together 41 Brazilian and 4 foreign authors.

Special thanks to Professor Susana Borràs Pentinat of the URV and Judge Marco Villas Boas of the TJTO.[…]


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.10

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Susana Borràs Pentinat (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Bruna Souza Paula, Rômulo Guilherme Leitão and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-42-3

Year of Publication: 2021

Volume 10 is a special edition honouring the Chancellor of the University of Fortaleza, Airton Queiroz (in memoriam). It compiles the articles by speakers and authors from the IX Edition, held in 2016 at the Rovira i Virgili University, the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and the Superior School of Magistrates of Ceará (ESMEC) in September, October and November. The proceedings of this edition bring together articles by 19 Brazilian and foreign authors. The work promotes research in the Environmental (5 articles); Constitutional (8 articles) and International (3 articles) areas.


ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: Studies in Honour of Prof. Dr. Vasco Pereira da Silva Dr Vasco Pereira Da Silva


Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-48-5

Year of Publication: 2021

“For a Professor, there is no greater joy than to see his disciples flourish, demonstrating that the lessons learnt have been useful, helping to pave the next steps of a professional, academic and personal career marked by competence and autonomy.

[…] With VASCO we strengthened – and learnt! – among so much other knowledge, the awareness that the colour of the Constitution and the Law must be an increasingly intense green, that we all have the right to culture and that we need to go in search of the lost administrative act, as well as, of course, placing administrative litigation on the psychoanalysis couch, all of which shows why VASCO’s rich and creative work, together with his nobility, generosity and infectious humour, has captivated and influenced countless students and colleagues from so many places.

So, as it is not our intention to go into the content of the texts that are now being published as a show of recognition, since both the honoured person and the reading public will be able to do this with much more time and profit, we join here in effusively expressing our gratitude, wishing that VASCO will continue to enlighten so many people and so many paths for a long time to come. ”

(extract from the preface by Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet)


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.9

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes and Susana Borràs Pentinat (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Bruna Souza Paula, Rômulo Guilherme Leitão and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-41-6

Year of Publication: 2020

Volume 9 is a special edition honouring the Chancellor of the University of Fortaleza, Airton Queiroz (in memoriam). It compiles the articles by speakers and authors from the IX Edition, held in 2016 at the Rovira i Virgili University, the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and the Superior School of Magistrates of Ceará (ESMEC) in September, October and November. The proceedings of this edition bring together articles by 66 Brazilian and foreign authors. The work promotes research in the Environmental (9 articles); Constitutional (11 articles) and International (14 articles) areas.


RESPONSABILITY IN PUBLIC CONTRACTS: a comparative luso-brazilian perspective

Author: Carla Amado Gomes, Ana Fernanda Neves, Eurico Bitencourt and Fabricio Motta (coord.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-46-1

Year of Publication: 2020

On 15 November 2019, the III Portuguese-Brazilian Colloquium on Public Law was held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, jointly organised by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and the Public Law Research Centre (both of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon) and the Brazilian Institute of Administrative Law. The general theme of the meeting was “Liability in Public Contracts: a comparative Portuguese-Brazilian perspective”.

The Administrative Law of public contracts and, in particular, contractual liability, has experienced significant challenges in both countries, which has led academics and professionals from both sides of the Atlantic to engage in a joint exercise of discussion and reflection. This combination of efforts, apart from other virtues, makes it possible to share impressions and solutions to often similar problems, fostering constructive criticism.

This was the general idea behind the Colloquium, which was organised under the following general themes: i) Contractual liability versus pre-contractual liability and non-contractual liability, with the participation of José Levi Mello do Amaral Jr. (University of São Paulo), Rodrigo Pagani (University of São Paulo) and Rui Cardona Ferreira (Sérvulo & Associados); ii) The performance of public contracts and contractual liability, with the participation of Eurico Bitencourt Neto (Federal University of Minas Gerais) and Miguel Assis Raimundo (FDUL); iii) Public accountability policies and contractual liability, with the participation of Fabrício Motta (Federal University of Goiás), Thiago Marrara (University of São Paulo) and Cláudia Monge (FDUL); iv) Contractual liability in infrastructure contracts, with the participation of Luciano Ferraz (Federal University of Minas Gerais) and Pedro Melo (Miranda Law Firm).

The texts gathered in this volume cover most of the interventions and allow the reader to get to know some of the most relevant issues on liability in public contracts in Portugal and Brazil, treated from a dogmatic perspective, but always with a view to their practical repercussions.


Annotations of Brazilian Environmental Jurisprudence

Author: Carla Amado Gomes (coord.) and André Dickstein, Nathalie Giordano and Monique Mosca Gonçalves (Org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-45-4

Year of Publication: 2020

In terms of recognising the state’s duty to protect the environment, the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 was influenced by the Portuguese Constitution of 1976, in particular Article 66 (Environment and quality of life). Article 225 of the 1988 Constitution, however, is more developed both because it dedicates specific protection to specifically Brazilian realities (such as the Amazon and Pantanal biomes: §4) and because it guarantees qualitatively superior protection (e.g. by constitutionalising the figure of the prior environmental impact study and the solution of triple responsibility in the environmental field: §1, IV and §3). The country’s rich ecosystem and its federal structure quickly contributed to the generation of abundant case law in this area.

The novelty of the environmental issue – I’m referring to the fact that Environmental Law is a young legal area compared to Civil Law and Administrative Law, which are centuries old – makes it difficult to deal with. Added to this difficulty is the urgent need to resolve certain environmental problems and the emotion they evoke – aspects that often promote responses based more on the heart than on reason. Finally, environmental protection is a constitutional value, but not the only one, and the task of weighing up goods and rights that involves situations such as, for example, the licensing of a tourist resort in a protected area vs local development or the protection of an area of Atlantic Rainforest vs the right to housing, is arduous.

Since 2008, in my environmental law seminars at FDUL, I’ve been interacting with Brazilian students, and through them I’ve become aware of many of the issues and problems debated in Brazilian jurisprudence. With the help of three of these students, who are already masters – André Dickstein, Monique Gonçalves and Nathalie Giordano – I decided to promote this publication, which I hope will be useful to students and professionals in the field. The selection was made by the three organisers and the publication was coordinated by me, taking into account a certain formal uniformity but above all all the academic freedom of thought and criticism of the solutions contained in the judgments. The twelve judgements come from the two highest courts (STF and STJ) and were chosen taking into account their recent date but above all the diversity and relevance of the issues and the controversy of the solution adopted.

I would like to thank all the students who wanted to take part in this project (most of whom are already masters of law but some of whom are still on their way to becoming masters), which I hope will sow the seeds for more initiatives of this and other kinds in the field of Brazilian environmental law. And I hope that students, professionals and the general public will find this book useful.


Themes of Lusophone Environmental Law

Author: Carla Amado Gomes (coord.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-43-0

Year of Publication: 2020

“Environmental protection is an emergency reality, but it has only recently been addressed from a legal point of view. It was in the 1970s, after the Stockholm Conference, that the issue gained global political relevance and entered national and international agendas. Since then, there has been an explosion of legislation that generates fragmentation and a multiplicity of ways of resolving conflicts, which reduces the efficiency of protection. The fact that environmental goods are, in the vast majority of situations, the object of economic exploitation and, as such, are covered by the “sovereignty reserve” (specifically, the principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources), makes it difficult to build consensus and throws environmental regulations either into the realm of soft law or into a zone of inertia (the implementation of the Paris Agreement is a good example of this).

The African continent, which is less industrialised and endowed with countless resources, both in terms of biodiversity and mineral resources, has a difficult relationship with environmental law. On the one hand, states realise that resource management must be subject to rules, but on the other hand, they want to exploit natural resources for more or less laudable reasons. The “resource curse” is a shadow that hangs over a large number of African states and that translates into losses for the environment and for communities.

By organising a publication of texts on Lusophone environmental law, the five African states of Lusophony – Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe – are making their presence felt. They are joined by Brazil, which is linked by language, albeit with somewhat different problems. To the language that associates them is added the common concern for environmental protection, with results that need to be analysed and tested. As a professor of environmental law, I have had contact with students of various nationalities and decided to pool my talents to put together this book, which I would like to encourage serious research into environmental law in Portuguese-speaking countries.

I hope that it will arouse interest in the legal community and inspire new work on this subject.”


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.8

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Marco Anthony Stevenson Villas Boas, Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-28-7

Year of Publication: 2019

The Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue Seminar is a moment of academic encounter for a transversal and interdisciplinary dialogue. FDUL’s Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) is promoting international digital publication in order to broaden access to the proceedings.

The academic-scientific credibility of the event reveals its contribution to an important and rich information base for civil society, companies and the third sector. The socio-environmental commitment and shared responsibility between public and private institutions ratifies participation in the contribution of activities that value the deepening of scientific knowledge and the realisation of human and environmental rights.

Public and private institutions such as the Coordination for the Support of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL), the Higher School of the Tocantins Judiciary (ESMAT), and the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR) promote the organisation and publication of the proceedings.

Special thanks go to the Tocantins Superior School of the Judiciary (ESMAT) for its invaluable support for the VIII International Seminar on Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue and the publication of the proceedings, an opportunity to reinforce the role of the Judiciary in promoting legal-academic research so that jurisprudence and doctrine can converge and dialogue for better law and effective justice.

Volumes 7 and 8 compile the articles by Brazilian and foreign authors submitted and approved for presentation at the conclave and by the speakers who took part in the VIII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue, on 6 and 7 June 2016, at the Higher School of the Tocantins Judiciary (ESMAT), Palmas-Tocantins, under the direction of Judge Marco Villas Boas.


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.7

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes (Coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, André Olavo Leite, Marco Anthony Stevenson Villas Boas, Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-29-4

Year of Publication: 2019

The Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue Seminar is a moment of academic encounter for a transversal and interdisciplinary dialogue. FDUL’s Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) is promoting international digital publication in order to broaden access to the proceedings.

The academic-scientific credibility of the event reveals its contribution to an important and rich information base for civil society, companies and the third sector. The socio-environmental commitment and shared responsibility between public and private institutions ratifies participation in the contribution of activities that value the deepening of scientific knowledge and the realisation of human and environmental rights.

Public and private institutions such as the Coordination for the Support of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL), the Higher School of the Tocantins Judiciary (ESMAT) and the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR) promote the organisation and publication of the proceedings.

Special thanks go to the Tocantins Superior School of the Judiciary (ESMAT) for its invaluable support for the VIII International Seminar on Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue and the publication of the proceedings, an opportunity to reinforce the role of the Judiciary in promoting legal-academic research so that jurisprudence and doctrine can converge and dialogue for better law and effective justice.

Volumes 7 and 8 compile the articles by Brazilian and foreign authors submitted and approved for presentation at the conclave and by the speakers who took part in the VIII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue, on 6 and 7 June 2016, at the Higher School of the Tocantins Judiciary (ESMAT), Palmas-Tocantins, under the direction of Judge Marco Villas Boas.


Administrative Law in the 30 years of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 – A Portuguese-Brazilian dialogue

Author: Carla Amado Gomes, Ana Fernanda Neves, Eurico Bitencourt Neto and Fabricio Motta (coord.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-36-2

Year of Publication: 2019

“On 16 October 2018, the 2nd Portuguese-Brazilian Meeting of Public Law was held at the Faculty of Law, jointly organised by the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences and the Public Law Research Centre (both of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon) and the Brazilian Institute of Administrative Law.

[…The texts of the speeches at the meeting – almost all of which are included in this book – deal, for example, with “Structural transversality and functional unity of the Administration” (Sérvulo Correia); with “The Digital Single Market and administrative interoperability: the protection of personal data in the articulation between national public administrations and the institutions and bodies of the European Union – prospective reflections” (Joana Covelo de Abreu); on “The challenge posed by the application of legal principles in terms of judicial control of administrative legality” (Miguel Assis Raimundo); on “The expansion of the Public Law regime of Public Administration Contracts” (Pedro Fernández Sanchéz); on “The expansion of the administrative contract” (Eurico Bitencourt Neto); on “The notion of the administrative contract in Brazil – a reflection on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the 1988 Constitution (Fernando Menezes de Almeida); on the “Foundations for the consensual control of the Public Administration” (Luciano Ferraz); and also the reflection “Beyond the repressive control of the Public Administration (by Pedro de Menezes Niebuhr).”


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.6

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes (coord.) and André Olavo Leite, Bleine Queiroz Caúla and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-24-9

Year of Publication: 2017

The Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue Seminar is a moment of academic encounter for a transversal and interdisciplinary dialogue. Public and private institutions such as the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL), the Coordination for the Support of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and the Lumen Juris publishing house promote the organisation and publication of the proceedings. FDUL’s Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) promotes international digital publication in order to broaden access to the proceedings.

Special thanks go to Ceará’s Department of the Environment, the Attorney General’s Office of the Municipality of Fortaleza and the Public Defender’s Office of the State of Ceará for their invaluable support in holding the International Seminar VII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue and in publishing the proceedings, an opportunity to reinforce the role of the state in promoting academic research.

The academic-scientific credibility of the event reveals its contribution to an important and rich base of information for civil society, companies and the third sector. The socio-environmental commitment and shared responsibility between public and private institutions ratifies participation in the contribution of activities that value the deepening of scientific knowledge and the realisation of human and environmental rights.

Volumes 5 and 6 compile the articles by Brazilian and foreign authors submitted and approved for presentation at the conclave and by the speakers who took part in the VII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue, held in October 2015 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL) and November 2015 at the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR).

The VIII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue renews the national partnership with the Tocantins Superior School of the Judiciary (ESMAT), under the leadership of Judge Marco Villas Boas, which will take place on 6 and 7 June 2016 in the city of Palmas.


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol.5

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes (coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Bruna Souza Paula and Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP/CIDP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-23-2

Year of Publication: 2017

The Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue Seminar is a moment of academic encounter for a transversal and interdisciplinary dialogue. Public and private institutions such as the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL), the Coordination for the Support of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and the Lumen Juris publishing house promote the organisation and publication of the proceedings. FDUL’s Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP) promotes international digital publication in order to broaden access to the proceedings.

Special thanks go to Ceará’s Department of the Environment, the Attorney General’s Office of the Municipality of Fortaleza and the Public Defender’s Office of the State of Ceará for their invaluable support in holding the International Seminar VII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue and in publishing the proceedings, an opportunity to reinforce the role of the state in promoting academic research.

The academic-scientific credibility of the event reveals its contribution to an important and rich base of information for civil society, companies and the third sector. The socio-environmental commitment and shared responsibility between public and private institutions ratifies participation in the contribution of activities that value the deepening of scientific knowledge and the realisation of human and environmental rights.

Volumes 5 and 6 compile the articles by Brazilian and foreign authors submitted and approved for presentation at the conclave and by the speakers who took part in the VII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue, held in October 2015 at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL) and November 2015 at the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR).

The VIII Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue renews the national partnership with the Tocantins Superior School of the Judiciary (ESMAT), under the leadership of Judge Marco Villas Boas, which will take place on 6 and 7 June 2016 in the city of Palmas.


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol. 4

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes (coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Frederico Antônio Lima de Oliveira, Júlia Maia de Meneses Coutinho, Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-18-8

Year of Publication: 2016

The Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue Seminar is held in Brazil and abroad. The first international edition took place in Portugal in October 2014. Since then, the printed works, published by Editora Lumen Juris, have been published as an international eBook by FDUL’s Institute of Legal Sciences (ICJP).

Vol. 4 compiles the articles by the speakers at the 6th Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue, held on 14 and 15 April 2015 at the University of Amazonia / Ser Group, a higher education institution that inaugurated the national partnership for holding an edition of the Seminar. The 8th edition was subsequently held in partnership with the Tocantins Higher School of Magistrates, in the city of Palmas.


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol. 3, Volume II

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes (coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-10-2

Year of Publication: 2015


Environmental Dialogue, Constitutional and International Dialogue – Vol. 3, Volume I

Author: Jorge Miranda, Carla Amado Gomes (coord.) and Bleine Queiroz Caúla, Valter Moura do Carmo (org.)

Publisher: ICJP

ISBN: 978-989-8722-09-6

Year of Publication: 2015


Public Law without Frontiers

Author: Vasco Pereira da Silva and Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet (Coord.)

Publisher: ICJP

ISBN: 978-989-97410-4-1

Year of Publication: 2011

[…] Whether it is Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Administrative Procedure or Environmental Law, the aim of this “borderless” dimension is to force us to look at the different branches of the law.

of Law in the light of a methodology that implies adopting one (or more) of the following perspectives: Comparative Law, European Law and Global Law.[…]”