
The entry requirements for the Master’s Degree in Law and Legal Practice are as follows:

  • Law degree;
  • Holders of other degrees (exceptionally and duly justified), who demonstrate adequate scientific preparation and a connection with the area of the master’s programme to which they are applying (applications subject to the assessment of the Postgraduate Studies Committee);
  • Foreign higher academic degree from the 1st cycle of studies (Bologna);
  • Foreign higher academic degree recognised by the Scientific Council;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae demonstrating adequate basic scientific preparation, recognised by the Scientific Council (applications subject to assessment by the Postgraduate Studies Committee).

In accordance with the Extract from the Generic Decision of the Scientific Council of 12 December 2012 , candidates who expect to complete their degree by 15 October of the academic year in question are admitted to the Master’s Degree in Law and Legal Practice.

For the purposes of ranking candidates in this condition, the following will be considered:
i) candidates coming from another Higher Education Institution:
The candidate’s current average in the cycle of studies of origin, contained in the document signed by that Higher Education Institution ( print screens from the academic portal of the Education Institution are not accepted), delivered by the last day of application for the respective phase.

ii) candidates from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon:
Current average that appears on the student’s academic record, on the first working day after the application deadline for the respective stage.

All applicants admitted in this situation will be considered “Provisionally Admitted” and will only acquire the status of student of the study cycle after proof of having obtained the previous degree, by the deadline of 15 October of the application year.


Applications are made exclusively through the FénixEdu application platform. If you have any questions about submitting your application, please do not hesitate to contact the Academic Service at

Important: applications will only be analysed once the application fee has been paid. The Academic Service will contact the candidate via e-mail (i) if the application contains any irregularities or (ii) if it is correctly instructed. Once the selection process has been completed, candidates will be informed by e-mail of the final result of their application. The ranking list will then be published on the FDUL website. In the event of admission, enrolment will be conditional on the presentation to the Academic Division of the originals (or certified copies) of the documents submitted on the application platform by 15 December of the respective academic year.

APPLY ONLINE (Video Manual)

> To Create an Account to Access the Application Platform | Click Here

Applicants for the pre-Bologna Master’s programme in Law and Legal Practice are those who cumulatively satisfy the following conditions:

  • Completion of a law degree in a Portuguese educational institution;
  • Curricular plan of 5 years or more;
  • Completion of the course in the academic year 2008/2009 or earlier.

The subjects in the school phase that make up the study plan for the pre-Bologna Master’s in Law and Legal Practice are Introduction to Scientific Research Methodology I and two of the compulsory subjects in the respective speciality.

a) Citizen’s Card or Identity Card(1);
b) Curriculum Vitae;
c) Certificate of completion of Bachelor’s/Master’s degree;
d) Certificate of subjects/school record showing all the subjects in the course(s) with the respective marks;
e) Certificate or declaration with the final average of the course, if this indication is not already included in the document indicated in the previous point;
f)Certificate of completion of postgraduate courses;
g)Link to the website of the publisher, newspaper or magazine where the books or scientific articles authored by the candidate were published, and this information may be included in the Curriculum Vitae.

Note: Copies of the documents referred to in c), d) and e) must be duly notarised.
The originals or certified copies of the documents submitted via the Applications Portal must be delivered to the Academic Division, or sent by post, by 15 December of the respective academic year, if the candidate is placed and proceeds to enrol on the course.

Failure to send the documentation or information referred to above in points f) and g) will result in these elements being disregarded in the candidate selection process.

(1) With the applicant’s authorisation, uploading this file to the Fénix application portal is optional.

a) Passport (or Citizen Card for Portuguese citizens);
b) Curriculum Vitae;
c) Certificate of completion of Degree/Graduation;
d) Certificate of subjects/school record showing all the subjects on the course(s) with the respective marks and final average;
e) Certificate or declaration with final average of course/income or cumulative coefficient (final average classification), if this indication is not already included in the document indicated in the previous point;
f) Certificate or declaration from the Higher Education Institution where the previous degree was completed, expressly mentioning the grading scale, namely: minimum classification corresponding to approval and maximum classification;
g) Certificate of completion of postgraduate courses;
h) Link to the website of the publisher, newspaper or magazine where the books or scientific articles authored by the candidate were published, and this information may be included in the Curriculum Vitae.
i) Declaration of honour by the candidate attesting that the information submitted in the application contains true and accurate information.

Note: The documents referred to in points c), d), e), f) and g) must be duly legalised by the Portuguese Consulate of the country where the course was held or apostilled under the terms of the Hague Convention. Selected/enrolled candidates must submit the original documents to the Academic Division, or send them by post, by 15th December of the respective academic year, if the candidate is placed and enrols on the course. Failure to submit these documents by the specified deadline will result in cancellation of enrolment, without refund of fees, emoluments and tuition fees paid to date.

The presentation of academic documents that do not include truthful information will be penalised in accordance with the law.

Failure to send the documentation or information referred to above in points f) and g) will result in these elements being disregarded in the process of selecting candidates.

You can apply to attend Isolated Curricular Units:

– Any student at the University of Lisbon, in a cycle of studies to which that curricular unit belongs as an elective, or enrolled in cycles of studies other than the cycle to which that curricular unit belongs;

– Students from outside the University of Lisbon, enrolled in study programmes at another Higher Education institution;

– Other interested parties with no ties to higher education institutions.


Applications are made exclusively through the FénixEdu application platform. See the instructions manual here. If you have any questions about submitting your application, please do not hesitate to contact the Academic Service at the following email address:

> To Create an Account to Access the Application Platform | Click Here

Important: applications will only be analysed once the application fee (€60) has been paid. The Academic Service will contact the applicant via e-mail (i) if the application is irregular or (ii) if it is correctly instructed. Once the selection process has been completed, candidates will be informed by e-mail of the final result of their application. The ranking list will then be published on the FDUL website. The amount to be paid per isolated curricular unit is 25 euros per ECTS.

Application deadline: 1st to 16th August

Final Results: Click here

Enrolment: 2nd to 6th September

Online enrolment takes place via the FÉNIX Platform | Click Here

For more information see:

Regulations for Enrolment in Isolated Curricular Units at the University of Lisbon – Order no. 1323/2020

Application form to attend isolated curricular units

Enrolment in Isolated or Extracurricular Curricular Units – Order no. 69/2017


1st phase – 3 to 28 February 2025

2nd phase – 28 April to 14 May 2025

3rd phase – 15th to 30th June 2025


1st phase – 3 to 10 April 2025

  • Alternates: 16 to 23 April 2025

2nd phase – 17 to 25 June 2025

  • Alternates: 2 to 8 June 2025

3rd phase – 4 to 10 August 2025

  • Alternates: 14 to 21 August 2025

1.ª Fase:

Results (Provisional): 14/03/2025 Click here

Results (Final): 31/03/2025 Click here

Results (Substitutes): 15/04/2025 Click here

2nd Phase:

Results (Provisional): 28/05/2025 Click here

Results (Final): 12/06/2025 Click here

Results (Substitutes): 27/06/2025 Click here

3rd Phase:

Results (Provisional): 21/07/2025 Click here

Results (Final): 31/07/2025 Click here

Results (Substitutes): 12/08/2025 Click here

FaseN.º de VagasN.º de ColocadosN.º de MatrículasVagas Sobrantes
1ª Fase250
2ª Fase150
3ª Fase*As vagas para 3ª fase resultam, exclusivamente, de vagas não ocupadas nas fases anteriores de candidatura. As eventuais vagas disponíveis serão publicitadas em


Online enrolment is carried out via the FÉNIX Platform | Click Here

Applications and Enrolment 2025/2026 – Dispatch no.º 12/2025

If you are a foreign student, please consult the link below where you will find information that will facilitate your stay at the University of Lisbon, in Lisbon and in Portugal.

Link Click here