Yes, conditional enrolment is allowed for the Master’s Degree Courses, subject to completion of the degree by 15 October of the academic year in question.
Students may, until the end of each year, request the cancellation of their enrolment in all the curricular units of the academic year they are currently attending, with the tuition fee instalments already due.
The grades for the written reports will be published by the teacher by 31 December of each academic year.
For information on dissertation formatting, please refer to article 28 and annexes of the University of Lisbon’s Postgraduate Studies Regulations, the regulations for the Master’s in Law, Order no. 8673/2021, present in Assessment and the indications on the dissertation submission forms.
If you choose options 2 or 3 on the Library form, you must submit your supervisor’s opinion on this choice.
For the Master’s Degree in Law and Legal Science: between 4,400 and 8,800 words, with one and a half spaces and 12 point font (one space and 10 or 11 point font in the footnotes), excluding the table of contents, bibliography and documentary annexes.
It should contain two abstracts, in Portuguese and another official language of the European Union, of no more than 300 words, and up to 5 keywords in Portuguese and another official language of the European Union.
Students must submit the following documents with their application for admission to the tests:
a) Forms for submitting the dissertation:
– Completed and signed dissertation submission form;
– Completed and signed Library form;
– Declaration of originality, completed and signed;
b) Opinion of the supervisor, duly substantiated (not compulsory);
c) A digital copy, in non-editable format, of the dissertation/internship report;
d) A digital copy, in editable format, of the dissertation/internship report;
e) A digital copy, in non-editable format, of the updated curriculum vitae;
f) A digital copy, in editable format, of the updated curriculum vitae.
The above-mentioned documents must be submitted on (1) CD or USB stick, duly labelled.
The cover must include the year of the work’s completion date, in accordance with paragraph a) of point 1 of article 28 of Order no. 4624/2012 of 30 March, which is transcribed below.
“The cover must include the name of the University of Lisbon and the organisational unit , the title of the work, the name of the student, the name of the master’s speciality and the respective area of specialisation (if applicable), the type of work in which it is presented and the year in which the work was completed (see attached model). In the case of degrees awarded in association, the partner institution must also be identified;“
You can send the dissertation by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt to:
Academic Division – Scientific Master’s Dissertations
University of Lisbon Faculty of Law
Alameda da Universidade
1649-014 Lisbon
Or hand in your application in person at the Postgraduate Studies Department of the Academic Service, on the ground floor of Building I (former Undergraduate Secretariat) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon during the in-person opening hours.
The final classification of the cycle of studies leading to the Master’s degree is awarded by the jury appointed to assess and discuss the dissertation, and is expressed by the formulas Rejected or Approved. Successful students are awarded marks in the 10-20 range of the integer scale from 0 to 20. Thus, the final grade for the master’s programme is not a weighted average of the school phase of the master’s programme and the dissertation phase. However, the final average of the school phase of the Master’s programme is shown on the certificate of completion of the school phase of the Master’s programme.
On the Faculty website under Professors > Teaching Staff.
Tuition fees
All students have to pay tuition fees, whether they are on a scholarship or not. The tuition fees, as well as the time distribution of their payment, also cover SASULisboa scholarship students and those who apply for and await the award of a scholarship, provided that they provide proof of their scholarship application to the Academic Division during the enrolment/registration period for the academic year. With the exception of the enrolment fee, school insurance and the first instalment of tuition fees, which are paid at the time of enrolment. These students must pay the tuition fee instalments due in one go, by the due date of the instalment immediately following the date on which the decision to award or not award the requested scholarship was taken, and the tuition fee instalments due by the general deadlines (articles 5 and 8 of the University of Lisbon Tuition Fee Regulations). If all the tuition fee instalments have already fallen due at the time of learning of the decision to award or not award the scholarship applied for, the full tuition fee must be paid within 10 (ten) days of learning of the decision to award or not award the scholarship applied for.
Students who owe tuition fees will not be able to enrol and register for the following academic year, nor will they be able to apply for any certificates or declarations relating to the academic year to which the default relates, except for debt declarations.
Os alunos que não efetuarem os pagamentos da propina nos prazos estabelecidos poderão pagar a importância em dívida acrescida de juros, nos termos legais, até ao termo do ano letivo.
International Student
Certificates and Declarations
You must request the issue of the certificates you want online via the Fenix Portal, using the username and password associated with your Campus@ULaccount.
If you haven’t yet obtained your Campus@ULaccount credentials or if the ones you have received don’t work properly, you can request new ones by emailing
Requests for certificates are available at Staff] > Services > Requests. You should select the “Certificate Request” application.
Urgent acts: Documents may be executed within a maximum of two working days upon payment of the urgency fee, equal to twice the value of the act requested.
The collection is made in person or by someone with a signed power of attorney. You can use any duly issued form of power of attorney that confers the necessary powers on the proxy to collect the requested documents.
The foreign degrees that can be registered are defined by the Commission for the Recognition of Foreign Degrees, which operates within the Recognition, Mobility and International Cooperation Division of the Directorate-General for Higher Education.
Recognition of professional qualifications allows the holder to practise in Portugal the profession for which they are qualified in the member state of origin, under the same conditions as professionals who acquired the qualifications in that territory.
As is the case with qualifications obtained in the country where it is requested, recognition of foreign qualifications may not be sufficient to exercise a given profession.
The recognition of professional qualifications is regulated by a specific diploma available on the online page :
International Mobility
You can find more information about International Mobility on the Faculty website under Internationalisation > International Study.
Portal Fenix
You can update your contacts on the Fenix Portal under Personal > Personal Area > Personal Data > Contacts.