Application fee :
1st stage – €100;
2nd stage – €150;
3rd stage – €150.
Provisional Admission Fee (1):
(1) Fee applicable only to provisionally admitted candidates, i.e. those who, upon admission, have not proven their previous degree.
Once the previous degree has been verified and the student has acquired the status of student in the cycle of studies, this amount will be converted into the payment of fees and tuition fees associated with enrolment.
Tuitionfee*: €1,600, paid in 1 monthly instalment of €300, 1 monthly instalment of €200, 1 monthly instalment of €158 and 6 monthly instalments of €157 per academic year, starting from the moment of enrolment.
*Tuition fees are set annually by the General Council of the University of Lisbon.
For more information go to:
Tuition fee*: €1,250, paid in eight monthly instalments of €139 and one monthly instalment of €138, per academic year, from the moment of enrolment.
*Tuition fees are set annually by the General Council of the University of Lisbon.
Extension 1st Semester: €630
2nd Semester Extension: €720
For more information go to:
University of Lisbon Tuition Fees Regulations
Table of Fees Central Services – Rectory of ULisboa
Amendment to the emoluments table of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon