COORD.: Catarina Monteiro Pires, Eleonora Coelho, Carolina Pitta E Cunha, Gustavo Favero Vaughn
AUTHORS: Daniel Tavela Luís and Mateus Fernandes Lima de Assis, Paulo Cristofaro Di Celio and Pedro Bueno do Prado Ferro, Afonso Moucho Diogo, Ana Coimbra Trigo, Leonor van Lelyveld, Rui Cardinal Carvalho, Thiago Del Pozzo Zanelato, Ricardo Neto Galvão and Inês Carreiro, Pedro Martini, Rebecca Paradellas Barrozo, Ana Olivia Antunes Haddad, Caio Pazinato Ramos, Mônica Naomi Murayama, Beatriz de Macedo Vitorino, Inês Príncipe, Aline Dias and Júlia Merçon M. Athayde, Miguel Pereira da Silva and Rita Niny de Castro, Antonio Alberto Rondina Cury, Bruno Barreto de A. Teixeira and Caroline Carneiro Maurício, Caio de Faro Nunes, Felipe Ribeiro Frois and Antônio Augusto Alves de Andrade, Fernando Maluf and João Pedro Marques, Giovana Benetti, Luis Felipe Baquedano, Luiz Eduardo Jardim Vilar and Rômulo Greff Mariani, Vitor Silveira Vieira and Fernanda Magni Berthier, António Pestana Araújo and Bernardo Kahn Mansos Epifânio, Francisca Seara Cardoso, Tatiana Lisboa Padrão
DATE: 2024
PUBLISHER: Quartier Latin do Brasil
ISBN: 97865555752656
COORD. Catarina Monteiro Pires, Giovanni Ettore Nanni and Aline De Miranda Valverde Terra
DATE: 2023
PUBLISHER: Almedina Brasil
ISBN: 9786556279206
COORD.: José de Melo Alexandrino
AUTHORS: Arthur Maximus Monteiro; Kellyne Laís Laburú Alencar de Almeida; Luiz António Freitas de Almeida; Maurício Mazur
DATE: 2023 (2nd edition)
ISBN: 9789726853275
– Place and legal nature of economic, social and cultural rights in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights / Arthur Maximus Monteiro.
– Peoples in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights: the concept and the rights to self-determination and development / Kellyne Laís Laburú Alencar de Almeida.
– The minimum core of the rights to education and instruction and the role of the African and European Courts of Human Rights in guaranteeing them / Luiz António Freitas de Almeida.
– The culture of human rights in the treatment of the right to housing in South Africa / Maurício Mazur.
Coord. Carla Amado Gomes, Ricardo Pedro, Eurico Bitencourt Neto
Authors: Hugo Flores da Silva; Daniel Cabaleiro Saldanha, Igor Moraes Santos; Mariana Melo Egídio; Eurico Bitencourt Neto; Juliana Ferraz Coutinho; Paulo Modesto; Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas; Florivaldo Dutra de Araújo; Nuno Cunha Rodrigues; José Vicente Santos de Mendonça, Ana Luiza Calil; Nuno Cunha Rolo; Rodrigo Valgas dos Santos; Raquel Carvalho; Cristiana Fortini, Daniel Martins e Avelar; Ricardo Pedro; Emerson Gabardo, Fábio de Sousa Santos; Ana F. Neves; Fabrício Motta, Fernanda de Moura Ribeiro Neves; Vasco Moura Ramos, Manuel Felício; Flávio Amaral Garcia, Gustavo Scheffer da Silveira; Fernanda Paula Oliveira; Luisa Quintão Ubaldo; Filipa Urbano Calvão; Irene Patrícia Nohara; Carla Amado Gomes; Pedro Niebuhr; Aquilino Paulo Antunes; Vanice Regina Lírio do Valle; Alexandre Miguel Mestre; Flávio Boson Gambogi, Sérgio Santos Rodrigues
Date: 2023
Publisher: Almedina
ISBN: 9789894015994
Coord.: Luisa Pinto Netto and Eurico Bitencourt Neto
Authors: Ana Cláudia Nascimento Gomes, Bruno Albergaria; Ana Fernanda Neves; Carla Amado Gomes; César Caúla; Clarissa Sampaio Silva; Eurico Bitencourt Neto; Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet; Luísa Cristina Pinto e Netto; Pedro Costa Gonçalves; Rodolfo Viana Pereira; José Manuel Sérvulo Correia
Date: 2012
Publisher: Forum
ISBN: 9788577006106
Presentation. Reading note. The immediate binding of public authorities to fundamental rights and the collective rights of “statutory” public servants in Brazil — the example of the right to strike — any paradoxes or need for reflection? / Ana Cláudia Nascimento Gomes, Bruno Albergaria. The right to an administrative decision within a reasonable time / Ana Fernanda Neves. The enjoyment of the environment – a procedural interest / Carla Amado Gomes. Judicialisation of health — what should change in light of Law no. 12.401/2011 / César Caúla. Public administration codes of ethics — duties, offences and sanctions. A separate disciplinary regime? / Clarissa Sampaio Silva. Binding public administration to the existential minimum / Eurico Bitencourt Neto. Social rights between the prohibition of retrogression and the “advance” of the judiciary? A contribution to a discussion / Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet. Proceduralisation and participation – jusfundamental impositions on administrative activity / Luísa Cristina Pinto e Netto. The guarantee state and the market / Pedro António P. Costa Gonçalves. Control and democratic legitimacy / Rodolfo Viana Pereira. Judicial control of the administration and the democratic responsibility of the administration / José Manuel Sérvulo Correia.