Category: Assistant Teacher
Areas of interest / research:
Administrative organisation
Administrative procedure
Administrative Litigation
Public procurement
Education law
Academic Degrees:
Law degree in 1995;
Master’s degree in 2001;
Doctorate in 2011.
Scientific Research and Co-operation
Member of research centres:
Member of the Scientific Coordinating Committee of the Public Law Research Centre;
Coordinator of the Administrative Law area and researcher at the same Centre.
Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals:
Executive Director of ePública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, the Public Law Research Centre and the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (January 2014 to November 2015).
Member of international research projects:
Researcher in the research projects of the Public Law Research Centre in the area of centralisation of purchases, governance in public services and permanent observatory of the Public Administration.
Other Professional Activities:
Member of the Advisory Board of the Attorney General’s Office
Most Relevant Publications:
Unjust enrichment by the Public Administration, Lisbon, 1998;
The Law of National Defence and the Armed Forces, collective work coordinated by Professor Jorge Miranda and Professor Blanco de Morais, Lisbon, 2000;
Consumer protection in the telecoms sector, part of Estudos do Instituto de Direito do Consumo, volume I, Coimbra, 2002;
The judicial protection of third parties in public administration contracts, Coimbra, 2002;
“Contractualisation in Urban Planning Law”, in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, no. 25/26, 2006;
“O princípio da efetividade do Direito Comunitário: comentário ao Judórdão do TJUE “Recheio-Cash & Carry, SA”, 17 June 2004, Case C-30/02, collective work, in 20 Anos de Jurisprudência da União sobre Casos Portugueses. O que fica do Diálogo entre os Juízes Portugueses e o Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia, collective work, Lisbon, 2011;
Interadministrative Contracts, Coimbra, 2011;
Time and changes in contractual circumstances, speech at the 5th Meeting of Public Law Professors, in;
Lessons in Public Procurement Law, Lisbon, 2014;
“Fundamental right to education, educational market and public procurement”, in ePública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, no. 2, June 2014, in