Categoria: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest / research
Banking and Finance Law
Commercial Law and Commercial Companies
General Theory of Civil Law
Law of Obligations and Contract Law
Executive Civil Procedure
Non-profit organisations
Data Protection
Artificial Intelligence
Academic degrees
Currently preparing his doctoral dissertation in Legal Sciences
Master’s in Legal Sciences (school part), 2011
Law degree, 2009
Teaching activity at FDUL
Teaching Assistant – Undergraduate Course (2009 – )
Currently teaching General Theory of Civil Law I and II
Has taught Contract Law, Commercial Law, Company Law and Executive Civil Procedure Law.
Member of research centres
Researcher at the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP)
Other professional activities
Lawyer / Legal consultant
Consultant at the State Legal Competence Centre (JurisAPP) – Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2019 -)
Legal consultant (2014 -)
Lawyer at Cuatrecasas Portugal (2009-2014)
Trainer for various credit institutions and financial companies on financial intermediation matters (in particular, on adaptation to the MiFID II, ESG and BMR regimes) (2018 -)
Trainer on the Securities Law and Financial Instruments Course, organised by the Securities Institute – IVM, given to employees of the Angolan Capital Market Commission – CMC (2019)
Trainer at the Institute of Registries and Notaries (IRN) in commercial and corporate law, under the coordination of Professor Pedro Maia (2013-2015)
Scholarships / Awards
PhD scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (2014-2017)
Short-term scholarship from DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst Stipendium, Munich (2015)
“Professor André Gonçalves Pereira” award by Cuatrecasas, Portugal, for the study “The unilateral modification of banking contracts” (2014)
Merit scholarships from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (academic years 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007 and 2007/2008)
Postgraduate courses
Advanced Postgraduate Course in Banking Law (co-coordinated with António Menezes Cordeiro / Januário da Costa Gomes / Miguel Brito Bastos), CIDP (since 2015, currently in its 7th edition)
Preparation Course for Admission to the CEJ – Judicial Courts (co-coordinated with António Menezes Cordeiro / Miguel Teixeira de Sousa / Maria Fernanda Palma), CIDP (since 2018, currently in its 6th edition)
Advanced Postgraduate Course in Executive Civil Procedure (co-coordinated with Rui Pinto / Joana Costa Lopes / Daniel Vieira Lourenço), CIDP (*to start in 2023)
Postgraduate courses
Postgraduate Course in Civil Liability, CIDP (2022)
Theme: “Civil liability for culpable insolvency“
Postgraduate Course in FinTech, CIDP (2021)
Topic: “Protection of personal data and analysis of massive data in the financial sector“
Postgraduate course in Real Estate Law, CIDP (2020 – )
Theme: “Real estate leasing“
Postgraduate course in Securities Law and Banking Law, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto (2019, 2021)
Topics: “Big data in the banking and financial sectors”, “Shadow banking and unauthorised banking”
Advanced Postgraduate Course in Data Protection Law, CIDP (2019 – )
Topic: “Profiling and automated individual decisions“
Postgraduate course in Securities Law, IVM (2018, 2019)
Topics: “Exclusivity principle and banking activity”, “Benchmarks, negative interest rates and interest rate floors ”
Postgraduate course in Digital Services, CIDP (2018 – )
Theme: “Processing personal data. The internet and big data analysis”
Postgraduate course in Corporate Governance, CIDP (2016 – )
Theme: “Corporate governance and venture capital”
Postgraduate course in Insolvency Law, CIDP (2016 – )
Topic: “Effects of the declaration of insolvency on the debtor: illegitimacy and relative unavailability in the confrontation with the insolvent’s personal sphere of action”
Advanced Postgraduate Course in Banking Law, CIDP (2015 – )
Topics: “Unauthorised banking and shadow banking“, “Bank account litigation – captive, blocking, seizure and attachment of balance”, “Renegotiation and unilateral modification of credit agreements; transfer of credit”, “Benchmarks in the quantification of bank interest, negative interest and impacts on Euribor”
Intensive courses
Intensive Specialisation Course in Digital Corporate Finance, CIDP (2019)
Theme: “Big data and corporate finance”
Intensive Specialisation Course in Investment Funds, CIDP (2018 -)
Topics: “Divestment and venture capital funds”, ” ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)funds and investment”
Intensive Refresher Course on Breach of Contract, CIDP (2018 – )
Topics: “Conventional cancellation mechanisms”, “Typical default clauses”
PreparationCourseforAdmissionto the CEJ – Judicial Courts, CIDP (2018 – )
Topics: “Voluntary representation”, “Pre-contractual liability”, “Legal business”
Intensive Specialisation Course in Financial Technology Challenges – FinTech. In a data economy, CIDP (2017)
Topics: “New rights, legal action and popular action”, “Big data and financial intermediation”
Conferences, Seminars and Scientific Conferences
International Conference on Autonomous Systems and the Law (co-coordinated with Dário Moura Vicente / Rui Soares Pereira), CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (20 and 21 April 2022)
1st Conference on Sustainable Investment (ESG) (co-coordinated with António Menezes Cordeiro / Diogo Pereira Duarte), CIDP-FDUL (webinar) (25 November 2021)
1st Financial Conference – Venture Capital (co-coordinated with António Menezes Cordeiro / Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira), CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (7th May 2015)
“Opposition to attachment”, I Conference on Executive Civil Procedure, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (27 April 2022)
“Algorithms, Creditworthiness and automated Cut Credit Decisions”, International Conference on Autonomous Systems and the Law, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (21 April 2022)
“ESG Preferences and Adequacy Duties”, in I Jornadas sobre Investimento Sustentável (ESG), CIDP-FDUL (webinar) (25 November 2021)
“Investor protection: evolution and prospects”, in Congress – 20 years of the Securities Code, CIDP-FDUL (6 December 2019)
“Big data and artificial intelligence”, Advanced Course – Artificial Intelligence & Law, PLMJ, Lisbon (6 June 2018)
“Shadow banking and company financing”, I JornadasSocietárias, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (22 June 2017)
“Big data and data protection”, II Jornadas Financeiras – FinTech, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (9 March 2017)
“Captivation of bank balances”, I Conference on Guarantees, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (19 November 2015)
“Divestment: the exit of venture capital”, 1st Financial Conference, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (7th May 2015)
“The attachment of bank balances”,Legal Days, Legal Affairs Department of Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Lisbon (10 April 2015)
“The concept of credit institution”, 1st Banking Conference, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (17th December 2014)
“Attachment and payment. In particular: partial attachment, attachment of bank balances and electronic sale”, Intensiverefresher coursein civil procedural law – The newCode of Civil Procedure, FDUL – Coimbra Editora (6 December 2013)

Publicações mais relevantes
Monographs / Collective works
Autonomous Systems and the Law, Springer, Heidelberg, 2022 (co-coordinated with Dário Moura Vicente / Rui Soares Pereira) (*in press)
O Estatuto deUtilidade Pública, INCM, Lisbon, 2022 (co-authored with Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas / Teresa Pinto)
Special Proceedings – Volume II, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2021 (co-coordinated with Rui Pinto)
Special Processes – Volume I, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2020 (co-coordinated with Rui Pinto)
Banking LawStudies I, Almedina, 2018 (co-coordinated with António Menezes Cordeiro / Januário da Costa Gomes / Miguel Brito Bastos)
Civil Procedural Law, Ação Executiva – Elementos de estudo, 2nd edition, AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2015
Articles / Chapters in collective works
“Algorithms, Creditworthiness and Lending Decisions”, in Autonomous Systems and the Law (coord. Dário Moura Vicente / Rui Soares Pereira / Ana Alves Leal), Springer, Heidelberg, 2022 (*in press)
“Decisions, algorithms and interpretability. The explanation of algorithmic decisions in a negotiation context”, in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, LXIII, 1 /2022 (*in press)
“O dever de “explicação” da decisão automatizada ao titular dos dados pessoais”, in Estudos de Direito do Consumo (coord. Rui Mascarenhas de Ataíde), Almedina, Coimbra, 2022 (*in press)
Annotated Commercial Companies Code (coord. António Menezes Cordeiro), 5th edition, Almedina, Coimbra, 2022 (notes co-authored with António Menezes Cordeiro)
“Annotation to Article 35”, 228-237 (loss of half the share capital)
“Annotation to Article 218”, 773-774 (legal reserve in private limited companies)
“Annotation to Articles 295 and 296”, 1032-1041 (legal reserve in public limited companies)
“Annotation to Articles 214 to 216”, 756-769 (right to information)
“Annotation to articles 451 to 455”, 1491-1508 (annual appraisal of the company’s situation)
“Annotation to Articles 508-A to 508-G”, 1680-1694 (annual assessment of the situation of companies obliged to consolidate accounts)
“Investment funds and the public business sector. Reflections on the applicability of the Public Business Sector Legal Framework to venture capital fund restructuring operations”, in Revista de Direito Financeiro e dos Mercados de Capitais, 3/2021, 709-745
“Convocation of a shareholders’ meeting”, in Processos Especiais – Volume II, (coord. Rui Pinto / Ana Alves Leal), AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2021, 253-282 (co-authored with António Garcia Rolo / Pedro Callapez)
“Opposition to the distribution of reserves or profits for the financial year in the context of a reduction in share capital”, in Special Proceedings – Volume II (coord. Rui Pinto / Ana Alves Leal), AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2021, 283-323 (co-authored with António Garcia Rolo)
“Big data in the banking and financial sectors”, in Artificial Intelligence & Law (coord. Manuel Lopes Rocha / Rui Soares Pereira), Almedina, Coimbra, 2020, 199-220
“Legal aspects ofbig data analytics in the banking and financial sectors”, in FinTech – Challenges of Financial Technology (coord. António Menezes Cordeiro / Ana Perestrelo / Diogo Pereira Duarte), 2nd edition, Almedina, Coimbra, 2019, 89-202
“The special procedure for payment agreement (PEAP): the new pre-insolvencial regime for non-business debtors”, in Revista de Direito das Sociedades (special issue – Capitalizar Programme), IX/1, 2017, 68-122 (co-authored with Cláudia Trindade)
“Algumas notas sobre a parassocialidade no direito português”, in Revista de Direito das Sociedades, I/1, 2009, 135-183
Portuguese, English, German, French and Spanish