Camila Franco Henriques

Categoria: Assistente Convidado

Areas of interest / Research:

History of Law
History of Women’s Rights and Gender
Sociology of Law
History of International Law
History of International Relations

Academic Degrees:

Law degree, University Centre of Pará (2016).
Master’s in Human Rights, Federal University of Pará (2018).
PhD student in History of Law, University of Lisbon Law School.

Member of research centres:

Associate Researcher at IURIS – Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar

Publicações mais relevantes:

Franco Henriques, Camila. “The non-woman: use of gender, race and class stereotypes in the representation of Suzane Von Richthofen by the media and in Brazilian film production.”. Jus Scriptum’s International Journal of Law 7 special (2023): 12-68.

Franco Henriques, Camila. “The Recognition of Invisible Labour as an Instrument for Effecting Gender Equality: contemporary reflections of the sexual division of labour”. Jus Scriptum’s International Journal of Law 7 Special (2022): 9-52.


Lamartine, Camila; Henriques, Camila. “Ladies in Red: an analysis of legal measures to combat political gender violence in Brazil and Portugal”. ex aequo – Journal of the Portuguese Association for Women’s Studies 44 (2021):

Franco Henriques, Camila. “A mulher na Independência do Brasil: uma análise da condição jurídica da mulher na transição entre o Reino Unido de Portugal, Brasil e Algarves e o Brasil Império”. In Trienio Liberal, Vintismo, Rivoluzione (1820-1823): España, Portual e Italia, 703-723. ). Cizur Menor (Navarra), Spain: Editorial Aranzadi, 2021.

Franco Henriques, Camila. “The use of feminist epistemologies in legal education: a path towards the realisation of justice”. Paper presented at Future Law, On-line, 2021.

Franco Henriques, Camila. The concepts of Contemporary Slave Labour: a comparative analysis between Brazilian jurisprudence and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the search for greater worker protection. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Lumen Juris. 2021.

Franco Henriques, Camila. “The power of heteronormativity in Portuguese history: an analysis of the guilt of solicitation and sodomy in the Lisbon Inquisition Court”. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Congress on Human and Fundamental Rights (CDHF 2020), 2020.

Franco Henriques, Camila. “Parameters for conventionality control in Brazil in cases of contemporary slave labour: theory, concept, legislation and international court decisions.”. In International Labour Law: Studies in honour of the centenary of the ILO, 108-122. Brazil: LTr, 2019.

Franco Henriques, Camila; Paz, Melissa Mika Kimura. “Consolidation of Human Rights in History, Strengthening of the International Community and the Importance of the Rights to Truth and Memory for the Internationalisation of Human Rights”. Paper presented at the XXVIII CONPEDI NATIONAL CONGRESS, Belém, 2019.

Franco Henriques, Camila. “Multilevel Protection of Human Rights and Slave Labour at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”. Paper presented at the XXV CONPEDI NATIONAL MEETING, Brasília, 2016.