Category: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest/research:
Civil law
Comparative Law
Banking Law
Commercial Companies
Corporate Finance
Blockchain, Fintech and ESG issues
Academic Degrees:
Law Degree, Portuguese Catholic University Law School, 2011
LLM at Georgetown University, Washington DC, 2012
Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Banking Law, University of Lisbon Law School, 2017
Scientific Research and Co-operation:
Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference ‘Fintech Regulation and the Licensing Principle’ held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon in June 2022.
Member of Research Centres:
Private Law Research Centre
Institute of Labour Law
Other professional activities:
Lawyer and legal consultant

Most relevant publications:
“The emergence of a gig economy: brace for (legal) impact – a review of the case Dynamex inc. v. charles lee” in 1st Edition of the International Journal of Labour Law, available at:
“An Introduction to the Portuguese Employment and Labour Law”, 2nd Edition, Almedina
“Judicial Review of the ECB’s Monetary Policy Decisions. The Gauweiler case and a necessary reference to the Weiss case”, Civil Law Magazine, Year IV (2019), no. 4