Categoria: Assistant Professor
Areas of interest / Research:
Administrative Law
Urban Planning Law
Property Law
Academic Degrees:
Law Degree, (1988);
Master’s Degree in Legal and Political Sciences, (1995);
Doctorate in Legal and Political Sciences, (2011).
Scientific Research and Co-operation
Member of research centres:
CIDP – Public Law Research Centre;
Institute of Legal and Political Sciences.
Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions: Professor at the Bissau Law Faculty
Other Professional Activities:
Of Counsel, Serra Lopes Cortes Martins, Sociedade de Advogados
Most Relevant Publications:
Suspension of the effectiveness of administrative acts with negative content, AAFDL, Lisbon, 1989;
Legislação Fundamental do Direito do Urbanismo – Anotada e Comentada, co-authored with António Duarte de Almeida, Gonçalo Capitão, Jorge Gonçalves, Luciano Marcos, Manuel Jorge Goes and Pedro Siza Vieira, Editora Lex, Lisbon, 1994;
Legal Regime of Land and Urban Construction in Macau, in Revista Jurídica de Macau, Special issue dedicated to “The Land Question in Macau”, Macau, 1987;
A Caminho da Plenitude daJustiça Administrativa, co-authored with António Duarte de Almeida and José Luís Moreira da Silva, in Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, 1998 no. 7;
Transfer of urbanisation and building rights in Aldeia do Meco, co-authored with Diogo Freitas do Amaral, in Revista Jurídica do Urbanismo e do Ambiente, 2003, no. 20;
A perequação compensatória de encargos e benefícios do planeamento urbanístico em Portugal, in Estudos Jurídicos e Económicos em Homenagem ao Professor António de Sousa Franco, 2007;
Writing law in straight lines. Legislation and urban planning in downtown Lisbon (1755-1833), AAFDL, Lisbon, 2010;
The supervision of urban planning operations, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor José Manuel Sérvulo Correia, 2010;
The embargo of works in the legal regime of urbanisation and building, in Homage to Professor Diogo Freitas do Amaral, 2011;
The domain of the city. Property in evidence in Urban Planning Law, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2013.
Current Teaching Activity at FDUL:
Released from teaching duties as he is teaching at the Faculty of Law of Bissau within the scope of Legal Co-operation. At the Faculty of Law in Bissau he teaches Constitutional Law and Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Environmental Law.