Diogo Calado

Categoria: Guest Assistant

Areas of interest / research
Public Law
Administrative Law
Administrative Litigation
Urban Planning Law
Constitutional Law
Administrative Offences Law

Academic Degrees
Law Degree (2013)
Scientific Master’s Degree in Administrative Law (2016)

Member of research centres
Researcher at the Public Law Research Centre

Other Professional Activities

Most relevant publications

A “mess” with several players: a public company, a boring municipality…and the courts that took charge of the case, Commentary on the TCASul Judgment of 7 March 2013in Direito do Ambiente, Anotações Jurisprudência Dispersas, ICJP EBook, available at http://www.icjp.pt/;
O novo regime da suspensão de eficácia de ato administrativo no âmbito das providências cautelares impugnatórias” inO anteprojecto de revisão do CPTA e do ETAF em debate“, AAFDL, 2014;
“Energias Renováveis em Portugal: Evolução e Perspectivas ” – (co-authored with CARLA AMADO GOMES and RAQUEL FRANCO), in Epublica: Revista electrónica de Direito Público, no. 1, 2014, available at http://e–publica.pt;
Anotação ao Acórdão 123/2015 do Tribunal Constitucional“, (co-authored with MANUEL LOPES ROCHA), in100 Anos de Arbitragem”, Coimbra Editora, 2015;
Independencia y imparcialidade del árbitro: algunos aspestos polémicos, mediante una visión ibérica“, (co-authored with JOSÉ MIGUEL JÚDICE), in Aribtraje, Revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones – VIII, 2015 (3), Madrid, Iprolex, Madrid, 2015;
Independence and Impartiality of the arbitrator: some controversial aspects, in a Portuguese-Brazilian view”,(co-authored with JOSÉ MIGUEL JÚDICE), in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Volume 13, CBar, São Paulo, 2016;
Issues of jurisdiction in the new CPA“, in Comentários ao Novo Código do Procedimento Administrativo, Volume I, 3rd Edition, AAFDL, 2016;
“O RJUE e o CPA : algumas interceções”,(co-authored with TIAGO SERRÃO), in Ordenamento Do Território, Urbanismo e Cidades. Que Rumo?, Almedina, 2017;
Declaration of ineffectiveness of enforcement acts: what if there aren’t any?“, (co-authored with MANUEL DA SILVA GOMES) in Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, March-April, no. 122, 2017;
Publicity of administrative arbitration decisions: state of play and some related questions”, (co-authored with MANUEL DA SILVA GOMES), in A Arbitragem Administrativa: problemas gerais e arbitragem em matéria de contratos públicos (co-ordinator: CARLA AMADO GOMES / RICARDO PEDRO), AAFDL, 2018;
The (other) alternative means of dispute resolution in the PSC: a first analysisin Comentários à revisão do Código dos Contratos Públicos, Coord.: CARLA AMADO GOMES, RICARDO PEDRO, TIAGO SERRÃO, MARCO CALDEIRA, AAFDL, 2018;
Offices in the Portuguese Public Administration“, in Administrative Organisation: New Actors, New Models, Coord,: CARLA AMADO GOMES, ANA NEVES, TIAGO SERRÃO, AAFDL, 2018;
Demolition: when and why? Brief notes on article 106 of the Urbanisation and Building Legal Regime”, Administrative Law Magazine, no. 2, 2018;
Notes on the use of electronic instant messaging platforms by the public administration and interested parties” (co-authored with TIAGO SERRÃO), in Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, September – October, no. 131, 2018.
“Arbitration in administrative law in Portugal: an overview” (co-authored with TIAGO SERRÃO) in Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute Resolution – RBADR, Belo Horizonte, year 01, n. 01, Jan./Jun ,