Diogo Tapada dos Santos

Categoria: Guest Assistant

Areas of interest / research:

Law of Obligations
Civil law

Academic Degrees:

Law degree from the Portuguese Catholic University (2014).
Magister Juris from the University of Oxford (2015)
PhD student in Law, Civil Legal Sciences, at FDUL (2019-present)
Member of research centres:
Member of the Private Law Research Centre at FDUL
Member of editorial boards of scientific journals: N/A

Other Professional Activities:

Secretary at the Centre for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (CARL-FDUL) and in national “ad hoc” arbitrations.

Most relevant publications:

“Brief reflections on the free revocability of limitations on personality rights and compensation” (co-authored with Prof. Dr Diogo Costa Gonçalves), Journal of Liability Law, Year 4 – 2022, 555-567.

“”Contrato prolongado”: entre dogmas carecidas de revisão e problemas carecidas de sinalização” (in co-authorship with Prof. Dr. Catarina Monteiro Pires), in “Arbitragem e outros temas de Direito Privado: Estudos Jurídicos em homenagem a José Emílio Nunes Pinto”, (org. Ana Luiza Moreira / Renato Berger), Quartier Latin, São Paulo, 2021. Also published in Revista de Direito Civil VI (2021), 1, 85-108.

“Interest on arrears, compensation and potestative anatocism” (co-authored with Prof Diogo Costa Gonçalves), RFDUL/LLR, lXI (2020) 2, 205-230

“A Concept of Personal Autonomy fit for Contract Law”, Cambridge Law Review, (2019) Vol. IV, 1, 32.

“The Portuguese Matrimonial System – general notes”, Forum Canonicum, Vol. XI/2 (2014).