Eduardo Vera-Cruz Pinto

Category: Full Professor

Areas of interest / research:
Roman Law
Cybersecurity Law
History of Law
Civil law
Judicial Law/Jurisprudence

Academic Degrees:
Law degree in 1985;
Master’s Degree in 1991;
Doctorate in 2002;
Aggregation in 2006.

Scientific Research and Co-operation

Member of research centres:
FDL’s History and Theory of Law research centre (Roman tradition);
FDL Private Law Research Centre;
FDL Centre for Cybersecurity Law Studies;
Observatory of Law and Interiority; Human Rights Research Group of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo
Catholic University of São Paulo; Silvio Meira Institute of Roman Law.

Member of editorial boards of scientific journals:
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa;
Ousar Integrar of the Social Reintegration Institute;
Ius Commune of the FDL Co-operation Institute;
Revista Jurídica da Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa;
Revista da Faculdade de Direito da PUC-S.P.

Members of international research projects:

Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions:
Full Professor at the Lusíada University of Lisbon;
Visiting professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon;
Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of São Paulo;
Law Faculty of the Federal University of Ceará;
University of São Bernardo do Campo in São Paulo;
Departimento di Giurisprudenzana della Università degli Studi di Sassari, Diritto Romano – Laurea Magistrale di Giurisprudenza.

Other Professional Activities:
Member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary;
Member of the Monitoring Committee for Justices of the Peace.

Most Relevant Publications:
Shareholder Representation for the Exercise of Voting Rights at General Meetings of Public Limited Companies, AAFDL, 1988;

The Origins of Portuguese Law. The Germanist Thesis of Teófilo Braga , AAFDL, 1996;

History of the Common Law of Humanity. Ius Commune Humanitatis ou Lex Mundi?, AAFDL, 2 Volumes, 2003;

Land of St Mary. Motherland of the First Portugal. Study of Medieval Hispanic Law on the Independence of Portugal (1096-1179), 2 volumes, 2005;

Course in Roman Law, Principia, 2009 (reprint, 2012);

Free Course in Philosophy of Law and Legal Ethics, Principia, 2010.