Category: Guest Assistant
Areas of Interest/Research:
Tax Law
European and International Tax Law
Economic Constitutionalism
Economic Law
Energy Law
Economic Analysis of Law
Academic Degrees:
Law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2012).
Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Regulation from the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2012)
Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Law from the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF) of the University of Lisbon Law School (2014)
Scientific Master’s Degree in Tax Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2017)
PhD student in Tax Law at the University of Lisbon Faculty of Law (2018-present)

Most relevant publications:
Scientific Articles
“A tributação de Parques Eólicos em sede de IMI ou da relevância jurídico-fiscal das “sapatas””,co-authored with Professor Carlos Baptista Lobo in Coletânea Católica Tax, Sérgio Vasques (Org.), Almedina 2016, pp. 31-64.
“The hubris of autonomous taxation and its constitutional nemesis“, co-authored with Dr Joaquim Pedro Lampreia in “Estudos de Advocacia em Homenagem a Vasco Vieira de Almeida” (Coord. Paulo Olavo Cunha), Almedina, 2017, pp. 427-449.
“The “fiscal balance” as Tatbestand in the taxation of corporate profit“, Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, Year X, No. 3 2018, pp. 119-171.
“The qualification of the Extraordinary Contribution on the Energy Sector (CESE) in tax arbitration: brief commentary on the arbitration award in Case no. 312/2015-T”, Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, 2019 (in press).
“Constitution and Real Profit – Contribution to the Study of Portuguese Constitutional Tax Law“, AAFDL 2018 (Master’s Dissertation).
“The Extraordinary Contribution on the Energy Sector – Tax and Constitutional Regime“, Gestlegal 2019.
“Additional to IMI – Legal-tax nature and assumptions of constitutional compliance“, AAFDL 2019.