Categoria: Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest/Research:
Introduction to the Study of Law
History of Law
History of Legal Education
History of the Monarchy
History of the Second Republic (Estado Novo)
Cultural Heritage
Luso-Brazilian Law
Information Law (press, radio, television, cinema, IT, Copyright)
Academic Degrees:
Degree in Law with a final grade of 17;
Master’s Degree in Historical-Legal Sciences with a mark of 17;
Doctorate in Historical-Legal Sciences with a mark of 18.
Member of Research Centres:
Lisbon Academy of Sciences – Letters Class (Supernumerary Member);
IURIS – Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (Lisbon);
Institute for the History of Law and Political Thought (Lisbon);
António Quadros Foundation – Culture and Thought (Rio Maior);
Prof. Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão Research Centre (Santarém);
Brazilian Bar Association (Paraná).
Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals:
Anales de la Fundación Francisco Elías de Tejada (Madrid);
Revista Jurídica Luso-Brasileira (Lisbon);
Jurismat – Legal Journal of the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Higher Institute (Portimão).
Other Professional Activities:
Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon;
Visiting Professor at the Military Academy (Lisbon);
Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil);
Visiting Professor at the University of Mindelo (Cape Verde);
Coordinating Professor of the Historical Archive of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

Most relevant publications:
Os monárquicos e o poder durante o Estado Novo (1984);No espólio de Guilherme Braga da Cruz (1999); Na jubilação do Professor Pedro Soares Martínez – Uma página de Memórias (2000);”A Revolução: 1974-1977″, in A Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa no seu Centenário, vol. I (2013); “Arthur Montenegro, José Gabriel Pinto Coelho, Luís Pinto Coelho, Paulo Merêa, Pedro Soares Martínez”, in A Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa no seu Centenário , vol. II (2013); “Filosofia do Direito” by Pedro Soares Martínez (2014); História do Direito: Legislação e Constituição. Portugal-Brazil (2015); From the departure of the Portuguese Royal Family to the work of King João VI in Brazil (2016). João VI in Brazil (2016); Historical-Cultural Heritage – The case of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon (2018); Guilherme Braga da Cruz – Introduction to the study of his Biography (2018); Vultos & Perfis – Luís de Almeida Braga, Alexandre de Albuquerque, João Ameal, Afonso Botelho, Guilherme Braga da Cruz (2019); Historical Archive of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon – The fascination of Discovery (2020); Around the Museum Rooms of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon: “Professor Marcello Caetano Room” and “Professor Paulo Cunha Room” (2020); An unpublished essay by Guilherme Braga da Cruz on the concept of Natural Obligation in Roman Law (2020); Professor Pedro Soares Martínez or the triumph of Aristocracy (2021); Notes for the History of the Teaching of Roman Law in Portugal (2024).
General coordination of the following works: Estudos sobre a Monarquia – Conferências no Grémio Literário (1984); Ascendência e Descendência do Conselheiro Nicolau Anastácio de Bettencourt (1991); D. Duarte Nuno de Bragança – Um Rei que não Reinou (1992); O Conde d’Aurora – Edition commemorating the Centenary of José de Sá Coutinho (1997); Ambassador Franco Nogueira – Evocative Texts (1999); Studies in Honour of Prof. Doctor Pedro Soares Martínez (2000); Mário Saraiva, Razões Reais (2002); Testimonies – Guilherme Braga da Cruz (2006); The Lisbon Law School in its Centenary (2013).
Awards and Honours:
Student of honour at the D. Pedro V National High School (Lisbon); Prize for Achievement from the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (Lisbon); Prize from the Faculty of Law in a competition for legal monographs (Brazil); Luís de Camões Prize in a literary competition – 2nd place (Brazil); Commendation from the Secretary of Culture of the Stateof Paraná (Brazil). Praise from the Secretary of Culture of the State of Paraná (Brazil); Participation in the Premio Romanístico Internazionale Gérard Boulvert (Italy); Commendation from the Minister of National Defence (Lisbon); Praise from the General Commander of the Military Academy (Lisbon); Commendation from the President of the Scientific Council of the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (Lisbon); Medal for Dedication to the Monarchist Cause (Lisbon); Medal of Merit from the Royal Association of Lisbon; Commendation from the Director of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon; Commendation from the Director of the Prof. Dr. Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão Research Centre (Lisbon). Doctor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão (Santarém); Diploma of Recognition from the Students of the Faculty of Law of Lisbon; Evaluation of Teaching Service carried out by the AAFDL (classification: 18 points); National Rugby Champion at the service of the “Centro Desportivo Universitário de Lisboa”.
Teaching activity:
“History of Portuguese Law” – Doctorate and Licentiate Degrees
“Theory and History of Law” – Postgraduate course in “Ethics, Law and Political Thought”
Subject “Information Law” – Master’s Degree Course in “Documentation and Information Sciences”
Roman Law” – Degree course
“Methodology of Scientific Research” – Master’s Degree