Categoria: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest / research:
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Misdemeanour Law
Civil Procedure Law
Academic Degrees:
Law degree, University of Lisbon Law School (2019).
Postgraduate in Corporate Governance, Private Law Research Centre (2021).
Master’s student in Criminal Law, University of Lisbon Law School (since 2019).
PhD student in Law, Specialising in Legal-Criminal Sciences, University of Lisbon Law School (since 2024).
Member of research centres:
Private Law Research Centre (CIDP)( 2020).
Other Associations:
Member of Fórum Penal – Association of Criminal Lawyers (since 2024).
Other Professional Activities:
Lawyer at Garrigues Portugal, S.L.P. – Sucursal (since 2024).
Trainee Lawyer and Associate Lawyer at PLMJ Advogados, SP, RL (2021-2024).

Publicações mais relevantes:
“Consent in evidential invasive bodily interventions in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights: saying “yes” without limits? – Considerações à luz de uma ilicitude qualificada”, in Novos Desafios da Prova Penal, Vol. II (Coord. Paulo de Sousa Mendes / Rui Soares Pereira), Almedina, Coimbra, 2023, pp. 465-530.
“Da Medida de Coação de Proibição de Contacto entre Progenitores nas Responsabilidades Parais”, in Estudos de Igualdade e Família (Coord. Maria Margarida Silva Pereira / Org. Daniel Vieira Lourenço), AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2024, pp. 187-247.