Categoria: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest / research:
Civil Procedure Law
Academic Degrees:
Currently preparing his Master’s dissertation in Legal Sciences under the supervision of Professor Dr Paula Costa e Silva (2020-).
Completed the academic part of the Master’s in Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon with an average of 17.4/20 (2019/2020).
Postgraduate in Law Enforcement, Compliance and Criminal Law (CIDPCC) (2019).
Postgraduate in Criminal Law and Medicine – New and Old Problems (CIDPCC) (2019)
Law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2014-2018).
Teaching activity at FDUL
Guest Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
She currently teaches Civil Procedural Law I and II.
She has also taught General Theory of Civil Law and Executive Civil Procedure Law.
Postgraduate courses
Executive Coordinator of the 1st Advanced Postgraduate Course in Executive Civil Procedure (co-coordinated with Professor Miguel Teixeira de Sousa / Professor Rui Pinto / Dr Ana Alves Leal / Dr Daniel Vieira Lourenço) organised by the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP) (2023/2024).
Participation as a speaker
Intensive Specialisation Course in Fintech, Private Law Research Centre, on the topic: “Equity Crowdfunding” (2019).
Postgraduate course in Maritime and Port Law, Private Law Research Centre and Maritime and Transport Law Centre, on the topic: “Maritime Salvage” (2020).
Postgraduate course in FinTech, Private Law Research Centre, on the topic: “Equity Crowdfunding” (2021).
Postgraduate course in Civil Liability, Private Law Research Centre, with the topic: “Violation of the right to image” (2022).
Postgraduate course in Civil Liability, Private Law Research Centre on: “Arbitration of provisional reparation” (2023).
Postgraduate course in Collateral Law, Private Law Research Centre, on: “Judicial mortgages” (2023).
Advanced Postgraduate Course in Executive Civil Procedure, Private Law Research Centre, on “Res judicata and appeals” (2023).
Advanced Postgraduate Course in Executive Civil Procedure, Private Law Research Centre, on the topic: “Artificial intelligence, big data and guarantees for the defendant: data protection, adversarial proceedings and appealability” (2023).
Postgraduate course in Digital Services Law, Private Law Research Centre, on the topic: “Processing of personal data. The Internet and Big Data Analysis” (2023).
1st Preparation Course for admission to the CEJ – Judicial Courts, Private Law Research Centre, on the topic: “Means of proof – formal evidential law and material evidential law” (2023).
Conferences, Seminars and Scientific Conferences
Co-ordinated by
Executive Coordinator of the 1st Executive Civil Procedure Conference (co-coordinated with Professor Rui Pinto / Dr André Simões / Dr Daniel Vieira Lourenço), CIDP-FDUL (2022).
Executive Coordinator of the 1st Conference on Urban Leasing and Eviction: Current Issues and Questions (co-coordinated with Professor Adelaide Menezes Leitão / Professor Rui Pinto / Dr Daniel Vieira Lourenço / Dr Inês Vieira Santos), CIDP-FDUL (2022).
Executive Coordinator of the Conference “20 years of the Enforcement Agent in Portugal” (co-coordinated with Professor Miguel Teixeira de Sousa / Professor Paula Meira Lourenço / Dr Daniel Vieira Lourenço). , CIDP-FDUL (06.07.2023).
“Pressupostos Processuais da Ação Executiva”, I Jornadas de Processo Civil Executivo, CIDP-FDUL, Lisbon (26 April 2022).
“Special Eviction Procedure”, 1st Urban Lease and Eviction Conference: Current Issues and Questions, CIDP-FDUL, 2022.
“Conversations with secretaries: the importance and role of the arbitral secretary in resolving the dispute”, Centre for Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, 2023.
Member of research centres:
Member of the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP).
Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals:
Member of the Executive Committee of the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets (RDFMC).
Member of Associations/Committees
Member of the Reviewing Committee of “CPC Online” by Professor Miguel Teixeira de Sousa – Blog of the Portuguese Institute of Civil Procedure (IPPC).
Associate member of the Ibero-American Network of Young Jurists in Evidence Law – PROBATICIUS (Academic Research Network) (2022-).
Other Professional Activities:
Trainee Lawyer at PLMJ Advogados, SP, RL (2019-2021).
Lawyer registered with the Portuguese Bar Association, with registration currently suspended (No. Cédula Profissional No. 64500L), for the purpose of finalising her Master’s thesis.

Articles / Chapters of collective works
“The civil liability of the tenant for breach of duty in traffic in the Portuguese legal system”, in Revista O Direito, Year 152, IV.
“Regulation and distribution of maritime damage”, in Os Processos Especiais, Volume I (Cood. Rui Pinto/Ana Alves Leal), AAFDL Editora.
“Fixação Judicial do Prazo”, in Os Processos Especiais, Volume II (Cood. Rui Pinto/Ana Alves Leal), AAFDL Editora.
“Providências relativas aos navios e à sua carga”, in Special Proceedings, Volume II (Cood. Rui Pinto/Ana Alves Leal), AAFDL Editora.
“COVID-19: Impact on Corporate Governance”, in Revista de Direito Financeiro e dos Mercados de Capitais (RDFMC).
“Brief notes on the Prospectus Regulation”, in Revista de Direito Financeiro e dos Mercados de Capitais (RDFMC), (co-authored with Dinis Braz Teixeira).
“Evidence by Presumption Iuris et de Iure and its admissibility in the light of the Contradictory Principle”, in Cadernosde Direito Privado72, CEJUR.
“O Regime Processual Previsto no Anteprojeto do Código da Atividade Bancária (ACAB)”, in Revista de Direito Financeiro e Mercados de Capitais (RDFMC), 2021.
“Brief notes on the interpretation of an arbitration agreement in a shareholders’ agreement”, in PLMJ Arbitration Review 04, AAFDL Editora, (co-authored with Rute Alves).
“A inteligência artificial na decisão arbitral”, in Revista Internacional de Arbitragem e Conciliação, Year XVI, Almedina, (co-authored with Rui Soares Pereira).
“Startups Funding Legal Regime”, in Revista Electrónica de Direito (RED), year 2022, no. 2, Volume 28 (co-authored with Chen Chen).
“Chapter 46: The Portuguese crowdfunding regime and the impact of the ECSPR”, in Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers for Business – A Commentary (Edited by Eugenia Macchiavello), Elgar Commentaries in Financial Law Series, (co-authored with Diogo Pereira Duarte).
“Consumer defence associations and foundations”, in Estudos de Direito do Consumo (Coord. Rui Ataíde/Francisco Rodrigues Rocha/Vítor Fidalgo), Vol. IV, Almedina, 2023, in press.
“The arbitration agreement and the decree of reversal of litigation by state courts: two (in)compatible realities?” Commentary on the Judgement of the Lisbon Court of Appeal of 21-12-2021/Case no. 12144/21.0T8LSB -A.L1-7″, in Cadernos de Direito Privado, no. 80, CEJUR, 2022, in press.
“Os desafios à tutela judicial civil do direito à imagem na era digital”, in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa – Lisbon Law Review, 2023, in press.
“The protection of minor consumers in the light of the Digital Services Act”, in Liber Amicorum Mário Frota, 2023, in press.
Pedagogical material
Prontuário Jurídico – Direito Privado (Authors: Pedro Caridade De Freitas, Rute Saraiva, Gonçalo Fabião, Joana Costa Lopes), AAFDL Editora, 2021.