Joana Reis Barata

Categoria: Guest Assistant

Areas of interest / research:

Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure Law
Misdemeanour law
Civil Procedure Law

Academic Degrees:

Law degree, 2017
Completion of the School Part of the Master’s Degree in Legal and Criminal Sciences (2021), admitted to the dissertation stage (since 2021)

Member of research centres:

Research Centre for Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (CIDPCC/IDPCC)(
Private Law Research Centre (CIDP)(

Other Professional Activities:

Lawyer at Vieira de Almeida & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados

Publicações mais relevantes:

“A Conformidade Constitucional da Criminalização do Aliciamento de Menores para Fins Sexuais (Child Grooming) e a sua Necessidade no Ordenamento Jurídico Português: Problemas e Reflexões à Luz da Teoria Geral do Direito Penal”, Anatomia do Crime, No. 14, 2022;

“O desassossego do Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa quanto à aplicação do regime de apreensão de mensagens de correio eletrónico”, in Prof. Dr Augusto Silva Dias in Memoriam, AAFDL Editora, 2022

“The consent of minors in medical practice and the possible criminal liability of their legal guardians”, in Book in Memory of Professor João Curado Neves, AAFDL Editora, 2020

“Critical analysis of the regime of exclusion of revocation of donations due to ingratitude of the donee”, in Book of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Civil Code, Vol. I, Almedina, 2019.