Category: Guest Assistant
Academic Degrees:
Doctoral student in Law (2019-)
Master of Laws (2019)
Law degree (2015)
Degree in Music (2011)
Research areas:
History of Law
History of Judicial Law
Military Law
Member of research centres:
Researcher at the University of Lisbon’s Theory of History and Law Research Centre (THD-Ulisboa).
Researcher at the Public Law Research Centre (ICJP-FDL)

Publicações mais relevantes:
” Regeneration and the Humanisation of Military Justice. The abolition of corporal punishment in the Army and the Provisional Disciplinary Regulation of 1856″, in Lisbon Law Review, Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, vol. LXII, no. 2, Lisbon, 2022, pp. 249-276.
“O processo de extinção do Conselho do Almirantado como paradigma dos ideais liberais”, in Trienio liberal, vintismo, revolucione: 1820-1823. España, Portugal e Italia, Thomson Reuters, Aranzadi, Madrid, 2021, pp. 571-594.
“Brief historical-legal considerations on the institutionalisation of the oath of the flag in the Armed Forces“, in Revista Militar, vol. 73, no. 5, May, Lisbon, 2021, pp. 457-471.
“Incongruities of the military forum. The trial of Francisco Maximiliano de Sousa”, in Estudios Luso Hispanos de Historia del Derecho , Editorial Dykinson, Madrid, 2021, pp. 491-517.
“Algumas Considerações Sobre o Foro Militar Português no Occaso da Primeira República”, in Actas do XXVIII Colóquio de História Militar – Comissão Portuguesa de História Militar, Lisbon, 2020, pp. 279-300.
“The Portuguese military forum in the 19th century. What problems? What solutions?”, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2019.
“The principle of the natural judge in the Roman tradition”, in Lisbon Law Review, Journal of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, vol. XL, no. 1, Lisbon, 2019.
“O ocaso da Mesa de Consciência e Ordens: 1821-1833”, in e-Legal History Review 29, IUSTEL – RI§421108, Madrid, 2019.
“Contributo para um estudo histórico-jurídico do Banco de Lisboa”, in Revista do Direito das Sociedades, year X, no. 1, Almedina, Lisbon, 2018.
“Information duties in the property market. The prospectus”, in Revista de Regulação e Concorrência, no 23-24, Almedina, Lisbon, 2015.