Categoria: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest:
Civil Law
Commercial Law
Company Law
Academic Degrees:
Law Degree (2015);
Completion of Master’s programme in Legal Sciences (2016);
Doctoral student in Legal Sciences (Specialising in Legal and Business Sciences)
Member of research centres:
CIDP – Private Law Research Centre
IDC – Association for the Study of Consumer Law
Other Professional Activities:
Advogado (PLMJ)

Publicações Mais Relevantes:
“The obligation not to assign credit in Portuguese law: brief reflections on its regime”, in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, vol. 54, nos. 1-2, 2013, pp. 303-354 (co-authored with Ricardo Neves);
“Attachment of term deposits as attachment of credit rights”, in Estudos de Execução e insolvência (Org. Rui Pinto), 2016, pp. 72-105;
“A cross default in a confrontation with the Law on General Contractual Clauses: a question of validity”, in Revista de Direito Civil, year I, no. 2, 2016, pp. 451-479;
“The treatment of tax credits and the realisation of the aims of the reform”, in Revista de Direito das Sociedades, year IX, no. 1, 2017, pp. 72-105 (co-authored with Inês Palma Ramalho);
Annotated Civil Code (Coord. Ana Prata), Almedina, Coimbra, 2017 (annotation of articles 1207 to 1230 – works contract);
“Guarantees in rem and modification of the object of the guarantee: the pledge of universalities as a dynamic phenomenon”, in Civil Code – Fiftieth Anniversary Book, vol. II, 2019, pp. 19-75