Categoria: Assistant Professor
Areas of interest / research:
Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation
Administrative and Procedural Simplification
Environmental Law
Urban Planning Law
Legislation and Better Regulation
Academic Degrees:
Doctor of Laws, 2017
Master of Laws, 2000
Law degree, 1994
Member of research centres
Member of the Board of the International Association of Legislation
President of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences
Researcher at the Public Law Research Centre of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences
Scientific Research and Co-operation:
Researcher on the research project “Common Rules of Law in the Lusophone States and Regions”, Public Law Research Centre/LisbonCentre for Research in Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon.
Researcher on the “Legimpact” project, on the creation of a methodology for the legislative assessment of the impact of gold plating on the transposition of European Union directives, Public Law ResearchCentre/Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law, University of Lisbon Law School and JurisNova/Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Researcher on the “Permanent Observatory of Public Administration” research project, Public Law Research Centre/LisbonCentre for Research in Public Law, University of Lisbon Law School and JurisNova/New University Law School.
Researcher on the “Governance of Public Services” research project, Public Law Research Centre/LisbonCentre for Research in Public Law, University of Lisbon Faculty of Law.

Other Professional Activities:
Partner of the law firm Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva & Associados, coordinator of the Public Law, Urban Planning and Environment Department and head of the International Committee.
Arbitrator at CAAD – Administrative Arbitration Centre
Arbitrator-President in the arbitration courts of the Economic and Social Council
Former Secretary of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the 18th Constitutional Government
Former Secretary of State for Justice in the 17th Constitutional Government
Former Director of the Legislative Policy and Planning Office of the Ministry of Justice
- “The Reform of Administrative Litigation: new challenges, twenty years on”, Vida Judiciária no. 238 (September/October 2024).
- “The recent amendment to the CPA and Decree-Law no. 135/99, of 22 April: tacit approval, deadlines and opinions”, Revista de Direito Administrativo no. 18 (September-December 2023), AAFDL, Lisbon.
- “Administrative simplification in the CPA”, Comentários ao Código do Procedimento Administrativo (coordinated by Carla Amado Gomes, Ana Fernanda Neves and Tiago Serrão), Vol. I, 6th ed. (2023), Vol. I, 5th ed. (2020), Vol. I, 4th ed. (2018), Vol. I, 3rd ed. (2016) and 2nd ed. (2015), AAFDL, Lisbon.
- “The Simplification of Procedures in Portuguese Administrative Law” (co-authored), Administrative Sciences, MDPI, 2022, 12 (1), 9.
- “Implementation of the Administrative Litigation Reform: changing laws or changing practices?”, Administrative Justice in Portugal, Present diagnosis and future perspectives (coordinated by Tiago Serrão and Marco Caldeira), AAFDL, Lisbon, 2022.
- “O regime de responsabilidade civil extracontratual do estado e demais entidades públicas: comentários à luz da jurisprudência” (co-authored with several other authors), (coordinated by Carla Amado Gomes, Ricardo Pedro and Tiago Serrão), AAFDL, Lisbon, 3rd edition (2022), 2nd edition (2018) and 1st edition (2017).
- “Due diligence in value chains: What to expect in the future?” (co-authored), ESG EMEA Report 2022, IFLR (
- “The rules of formal legislation in Portuguese-speaking countries: a comparative view” (co-authored), E-pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Volume 8, no. 1, 2021(
- Local elected representatives’ access to administrative information (co-authored), O Acesso à Informação Administrativa (co-ordinated by Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas and Pedro Delgado Alves), Almedina, Coimbra, 2021.
- “Legislation in Portugal“, Legislation in Europe, a Country by country guide (eds. Ulrich Karpen, Helen Xanthaki), Hart, 2020.
- “Administrative Silence in Portugal” (co-authored), The Sound of Silence in European Administrative Law (eds. Dragos, Dacian C., Kovač, Polonca, Tolsma, Hanna D.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
- “Innovative Techniques in Legislative Evaluation”, Legistics – Studies in Honour of Professor Carlos Blanco de Morais (coordinated by Camila Marins, Ieda Pires and Maria Nazaré Barbosa), Almedina, 2020.
- “A agilização procedural nas revisões da lei procedual administrativa”, Comentários à Legislação Processual Administrativa, 5th edition, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2020.
- “Legislative drafting tools preventing arbitrariness in discretionary powers” (co-authored with Diana Ettner), The Theory and Practice of Legislation, volume 7, issue 2, Taylor & Francis online, accessible at, 2020.
- “Lawmaking in Multi-level settings, Legislative Challenges in Federal Systems and the European Union” (co-editor), International Association of Legislation volume 18, Hart, Nomos, 2019.
- “Usual problems of legistics in the preparation and drafting of laws and regulations“, E-pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Volume 5, no. 3, 2018(
- “Executive services: directorates-general, secretariats-general and similar bodies”, (coordinated by Carla Amado Gomes, Ana Fernanda Neves and Tiago Serrão), vol. II, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2018.
- “Streamlining the Governmental legislative procedure“, Innovation of Legislative Process, Proceedings of the11th Congress of the International Association of Legislation (IAL) in Seoul, KLRI and IAL, 2018.
- “Context costs and environmental legislation” (co-authored with Diana Ettner), Indústria & Ambiente, Revista de Informação Técnica e Científica, no. 113 (November/December 2018).
- “Seis considerações em torno do Licenciamento Ambiental” (co-authored with Diana Ettner), Bulletin of the Portuguese Bar Association, 16 October 2018, accessible at—opiniao.
- “Arbitration and Article 476 in the revision of the Public Contracts Code”, Revista de Direito Administrativo, no. 1 (January-April 2018), AAFDL, Lisbon.
- Co-author of the report “Study and Planning Offices in the Public Administration of the 21st Century”, Public Law Research Centre of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, accessible at (7 March 2018).
- “Mass proceedings and urgent proceedings for mass proceedings in the revision of the CPTA”, Studies in honour of Professor António Cândido de Oliveira, Almedina, Coimbra, 2017.
- “The computerisation of civil procedure and the CITIUS project”, International Academic Conference on Civil Procedure “Reform and New Directions in Civil Procedural Law”, Directorate of Justice Services Affairs, Macau, 2017.
- “A agilização procedural na revisão do processo administrativo”, Comentários à Revisão do ETAF e do CPTA, 3rd edition, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2017.
- “Two tools for improving the quality of legislation: the use of plain language and the use of legislative assessment“, 2017 KLRI-IAL International Conference, KLRI-IAL, Seoul, 2017.
- “The jurisprudence of the crisis and its results”, IV Luso-Brazilian Seminar on Constitutional Law, Constitution and Crisis: The Constitution in the context of political and economic crises, IDP Events Series, Brasilia, 2017.
- “A (falta de) gestão nos tribunais”, Justice, 40 anos de políticas de justiça em Portugal (organised by Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues, Nuno Garoupa, Pedro Magalhães, Conceição Gomes and Rui Guerra da Fonseca), Almedina, Coimbra, 2017.
- “Portuguese Trends on Better Regulation“, Journal of Legislative Evaluation, no. 10-1 (2016), Korea Legislation Research Institute.
- “Procedural streamlining in non-urgent declaratory proceedings in the revision of the CPTA”, Liber Amicorum Fausto de Quadros, vol. I, Almedina, Coimbra, 2016.
- “The revision of the CPTA and institutionalised arbitration in administrative law”, Arbitragem Administrativa n.º 1, 2015.
- “Que Justiça queremos?”, Governing with the Troika, Public Policies in a Time of Austerity (organised by Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues and Pedro Adão e Silva), Almedina, Coimbra, 2015.
- “The revision of the CPTA and institutionalised arbitration in administrative law”, Arbitragem Administrativa n.º 1, CAAD, 2015.
- “The urgent mass procedure in the revision of the CPTA”, The preliminary draft revision of the Code of Procedure in Administrative Courts and the Statute of Administrative and Tax Courts in debate, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2014.
- ” Better Regulation Programmes in Portugal: SIMPLEGIS” (co-authored with Diana Ettner), E-pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Volume 1, no. 1, 2014(
- “The administrative decision in the preliminary draft revision of the Code of Administrative Procedure”, Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa no. 100, July/August 2013.
- “Governance of community funds in Portugal”, O Governo da Administração Pública, Almedina, 2013.
- “CAAD’s potential for resolving administrative law disputes”, CAAD Newsletter no. 1, 2013.
- “Myths and realities of the justice system”, Public Policies in Portugal, INCM and ISCTE-IUL, 2012.
- “The mechanism of mass proceedings in administrative litigation”, Studies in Honour of Prof. Dr. Jorge Miranda, vol. IV, Coimbra, 2012.
- “The extension of the effects of judgements to identical cases in administrative litigation”, Studies in Honour of Miguel Galvão Teles, vol. I, Almedina, 2012.
- “Da admissibilidade da restrição temporal de efeitos das decisões de inconstitucionalidade em controle concreto”, Perspectivas de Reforma da Justiça Constitucional em Portugal e no Brasil, Almedina, 2012 (with the collaboration of Irene Terrasêca).
- “Legal Framework for Combating Terrorism: the International, Community and Portuguese Legal Frameworks” (co-authored with Miguel Lopes Romão), Europa: Novas Fronteiras, no. 16/17 (2005).
- “A Reforma da Responsabilidade Civil Extracontratual do Estado” (The Reform of the State’s Non-Contractual Civil Liability) (unpublished).
- “O Deferimento Tácito – Esboço do regime jurídico do acto tácito positivo na sequência de pedido do particular”, Coimbra, 2004.
- “Saisie bancaire en droit portugais: Le régime actuel et la réforme des voies d’exécution in L’aménegement du droit de l’execution dans l’espace communautaire – bientôt les premiers instruments“, Éditions Juridiques et techniques, Paris, 2003.
- “O Planeamento e os Custos da Justiça”, The Costs of Justice, Almedina, Coimbra, 2003.
- “A Reforma da Acção Executiva”, Vida Judiciária, no. 69 (May 2003).
- “The Reform of Administrative Litigation”, Revista Jurídica da AAFDL, no. 25 (March 2002).
- “Collection of Administrative Law Legislation” (co-authored with Professor Fausto de Quadros), Almedina, Coimbra, 2002.
- “Direito Administrativo – casos práticos” (co-authored with Professor Fausto de Quadros and Mrs Margarida Cabral and Mrs Mafalda Carmona), AAFDL, Lisbon, 2002.
- “Gabinete de Política Legislativa e Planeamento”, Legislation, INA, no. 28 (April-June 2000).
- “Notas sobre a discussão pública da Reforma do Contencioso Administrativo” (Notes on the public discussion of the Administrative Litigation Reform) (co-authored with Dr Benedita Mac Crorie), AAFDL Legal Magazine no. 24 (April 2001).
- “A Hot Pursuit on the Seas”, AAFDL Legal Magazine no. 24, (April 2001).
- “O Principio da Tutela Jurisdicional Efectiva e as Providências Cautelares não especificados no contencioso Administrativo”, Perspectivas Constitucionais, Nos 20 anos da Constituição de 1976, vol. III, Coimbra, 1998.
- “Directivas de auto-vinculação em poderes discricionários”, AAFDL Legal Magazine no. 18 and 19 (December/January 1996).
- “As novas regras proceduais relativas às queixas por violação da Convenção Europeia dos Direitos do Homem”, AAFDL Legal Magazine no. 18 and 19, (December/January 1996).