Categoria: Associate Professor with Aggregation
Areas of interest / research:
Family Law
Inheritance Law
Children’s Law
Legal regime of medically assisted procreation
The status of children in (private) medical or health law
Transformation of land ownership through inheritance mechanisms
Academic Degrees:
Degree in Law, Master’s in Law (Legal Sciences) and PhD in Legal Sciences, from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

Publicações mais relevantes:
Estudos de Direito da Família e das Crianças, 2nd edition, Coimbra, Gestlegal, 2022.
Contemporary Succession Law, 5th edition, Coimbra, Gestlegal, 2022.
Contemporary Family Law, reprint of the 7th edition (from 2020), Coimbra, Gestlegal, 2021.
Topics in Paediatric Law: Children’s health, capacity and parental responsibility, Coimbra, Gestlegal, 2021.
Limits to the exercise of responsibilities in matters of children’s health, Coimbra, Gestlegal, 2020.
Teaching Contemporary Succession Law, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2020