Jorge Silva Santos

Category: Assistant Professor

Areas of interest / research:
Sociology, Philosophy and Theory of Law
Roman Law and the Romanist Legal Tradition
Theory and History of Private Law
Comparative Legal History
Ethics and Moral Philosophy

Academic Degrees:
Doctorate in Law | FDUL | 2019
Master’s in Law (Historical-Legal Sciences) | FDUL | 2008
Law Degree (Legal Sciences) | FDUL | 2001

Scientific Research and Co-operation

Member of research centres:
Theory and History of Law – ULisboa Research Centre

Members of international research projects:
Romanist legal tradition in action. Lusophone experiences

Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions:
Taught Roman Law and History of Portuguese Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (2005/2006).

Other Professional Activities:
Trainee Lawyer/Advocate | Vasconcelos, Sá Carneiro, Fontes & Associados, Sociedade de Advogados | January 2002 to June 2004
Lawyer | Uría Menéndez, Sociedade de Advogados | Financial Law Department | July 2004 to December 2004

Most relevant publications:
“Teor e propósito da escrita da história do direito civil português contemporâneo”, in Cristina Nogueira da Silva / Margarida Seixas (coord.), Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito/Estudios Luso-Hispanos de Historia del Derecho, II, Madrid: Dykinson, 2021, 547-576.

“How Romanesque are the foundations of European and Ibero-American private rights? Reflections on the Gaian tripartition adopted by Pascoal de Mello Freire”, in María del Carmen López Rendo Rodríguez (dir.), Fundamentos Romanísticos del Derecho Europeo e Iberoamericano, II, Oviedo/Madrid: Universidad de Oviedo/Boletín Oficial del Estado, 2020, 677-701.

“Reprisals. Ruy de Albuquerque’s inaugural ‘legal experience’”, in Interpretatio Prudentium IV, 2019, 2, 357-380

“Romanistics and the systematisation of the 1966 Civil Code. Context”, in Interpretatio Prudentium III, 2018, 2, 103-146

Textos de História do Direito Português, with Ana Caldeira Fouto, Filipe Arede Nunes, Francisco Rocha, Margarida Seixas and Míriam Afonso Brigas, Lisbon: AAFDL Edições, 2018