José Renato Gonçalves

Categoria: Associate Professor

Areas of interest / research:

Public Finance and Financial Law;
European Union Law;
Economic Law (Domestic and International);
Economic and Financial Regulation and Supervision

Academic Degrees:

Law Degree (Legal and Economic Sciences);
Master’s Degree in Law – Legal and Economic Sciences;
Doctorate in Law – Legal and Economic Sciences.

Scientific Research and Co-operation:

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the European Institute (IE), having been elected Vice-Chairman, and of the Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF), of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, under which the Research Centre for European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law (CIDEEFF) operates, of which he is a researcher and Vice-Director, with collaboration in several of the research projects developed and underway.

He has taken part in research and cooperation programmes, particularly through the Law Faculty’s Institute for Legal Cooperation, with a view to training and research in partnership with university institutions in Portuguese-speaking countries (Agostinho Neto University Law Faculty, Luanda, José Eduardo dos Santos University Law Faculty, Huambo, Angola, Mindelo University, São Vicente, Cape Verde, Bissau Law Faculty, Guinea-Bissau, and Eduardo Mondlane University Law Faculty, Maputo, Mozambique).

Member of research centres:

Researcher and currently Deputy Director of the Research Centre for European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law (CIDEEFF).
He has also collaborated on programmes, projects and initiatives at other research centres.

Member of editorial and arbitration boards for scientific publications:

Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal;
Revista de Concorrência e Regulação / Competition and Regulation(C & R);
Administrative Law Journal (Rio de Janeiro School of Law – Getúlio Vargas Foundation, Brazil);
Politics and Governance;
“Collection of Global Studies – Understanding Globalisation”, Coimbra University Press.


(2002), Acesso à Informação das Entidades Públicas, Coimbra: Almedina (book, 360 pages);

(2006), “The dematerialisation of currency. Note on the past and future of money”, in AA VV, Estudos Jurídicos e Económicos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor António de Sousa Franco, vol. II, Lisbon / Coimbra: Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon / Almedina, pp. 733-756;

(2008), “Estado brocrático e Estado transparente: Modelos de tutela do princípio da transparência”, in AA VV (2008), Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António Castanheira Neves – Ars Ivdicandi, vol. III, Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra / Coimbra Editora, pp. 249-277;

(2010), “The sustainability of the Eurozone and the regulation and supervision of the financial system”, Revista de Concorrência e Regulação / Competition and Regulation Review(C & R), I-2 (April – June), pp. 289-320;

(2010), O Euro e o Futuro de Portugal e da União Europeia – Estudo sobre o desenvolvimento e a coesão económica, social e territorial no contexto da União Económica e Monetária europeia e da globalização, Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer / Coimbra Editora (book, 910 pages);

(2010), “Depois do Euro: A caminho de uma moeda única mundial?”, in AA VV, Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Paulo de Pitta e Cunha, vol. I – Assuntos Europeus e Integração Económica, Coimbra: Almedina, pp. 531-566;

(2011), “Political regionalism and development: 33 years of the Portuguese autonomous regions”, in AA VV, Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Sérvulo Correia, vol. I, Lisbon / Coimbra: Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon / Coimbra Editora, pp. 509-556;

(2011), “As finanças das autarquias locais e os incentivos fiscais do interior”, in AA VV, Estudos em Memória do Prof. Doutor J. L. Saldanha Sanches, vol. III, Coimbra: Wolters Kluwer / Coimbra Editora, pp. 329-359;

(2012), “O sistema financeiro e monetário na Constituição portuguesa”, in AA VV, Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Jorge Miranda, vol. II, Lisbon / Coimbra: University of Lisbon Law School / Coimbra Editora, pp. 341-361;

(2013), “Beyond European economic integration, the protection of citizenship of the Union and fundamental rights”, commentary on the Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 8 March 2011 (Ruiz Zambrano), in Eduardo Paz Ferreira / Maria Luísa Duarte / Miguel Sousa Ferro (coords./orgs.), Jurisprudência Cunha Rodrigues: Comentários, Lisbon: AAFDL – Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa, pp. 59-74;

(2014), “Objetivos e limites da política monetária”, Boletim de Ciências Económicas, LVII-II [published as a separate and autonomous volume: AA VV (2014), Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor António Avelãs Nunes, Coimbra: Coimbra University Faculty of Law, volume II], pp. 1501-1550;

(2014), “Provisions on public procurement in preferential commercial agreements”, in Eduardo Paz Ferreira / Nuno Cunha Rodrigues (coords./orgs.), Novas Fronteiras da Contratação Pública, IDEFF Academic Handbooks, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora, pp. 57-80;

(2015), “Public finances as the ‘nerve’ of regional political autonomy”, in Franco, J. Eduardo (director) / Gonçalves, J. Renato Gonçalves et. al. (eds.), Grande Dicionário Enciclopédico da Madeira, vol. antezero, Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, pp. 186-193;

(2016), The Euro and the Crisis: Perspectives for the Eurozone as a Monetary and Budgetary Union, co-authored with Nazaré Costa Cabral and Nuno Cunha Rodrigues (eds.), Basel: Springer International (book, 366 pages);

(2016), “The European Banking Union and the Economic and Monetary Union: The puzzle is yet to be completed”, co-authored with Nuno Cunha Rodrigues, in Cabral, Nazaré Costa / Gonçalves, José Renato / Rodrigues, Nuno Cunha (orgs./eds.) (2016), The Euro and the Crisis: Perspectives for the Eurozone as a Monetary and Budgetary Union, pp. 271-289;

(2017), After Brexit: Consequences for the European Union, co-authored with Nazaré Costa Cabral and Nuno Cunha Rodrigues (eds.), London – New York: Palgrave Macmillan (book, 425 pages);

(2017), “Brexit and the European Union in the context of globalisation”, in Cabral, N. Costa / Gonçalves, J. Renato / Rodrigues, N. Cunha (orgs./eds.) (2017), After Brexit: Consequences for the European Union, cit;

(2017), “Does the Euro really threaten the future of Europe?”, review of The Euro – How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe, by Joseph E. Stiglitz, Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, X-1, pp. 303-315;

(2018), “Economic and Social Justice”, in AA VV (Jardim, Jacinto / Franco, J. Eduardo – coords./orgs.), Empreendipédia – Dicionário de Educação para o Empreendedorismo, Lisbon: Gradiva, pp. 448-457;

(2019), O Euro: Balanço e Perspetivas, Coimbra: Almedina (book, 611 pages);

(2019), “[Freedom of Expression and] Freedom of the Press [in the European Convention on Human Rights]”, in Albuquerque, Paulo Pinto de (coord./org.), Commentary on the European Convention on Human Rights and the Additional Protocols, 3 vols, Lisbon: Universidade Católica Editora, vol. II, Chapter IX (Freedom of Expression) of Part III (The Rights and Freedoms of the Convention), pp. 1667-1699;

(2020), “Internacionalização, mundialização e globalização: conceitos ainda em consolidação”, in Franco, J. Eduardo / Caetano, J. Relvão (eds.) (2020), Globalização como Problema: Temas de Estudos Globais, Coimbra: Coimbra University Press, pp. 23-54;

(2021), “The African Continental Free Trade Area: Implications of the 2018 Kigali Summit”, in AA VV (2021), Estudos Comemorativos dos 30 Anos de Cooperação entre a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa e a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Lisbon: AAFDL, pp. 659-689;

(2021), “Novos rumo no processo de integração económica e monetária na África Ocidental”, Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, XIV – 1 a 4 (Spring – Winter), pp. 41-70;

(2022), “The four [fundamental European] freedoms”, in Ferreira, Eduardo Paz (Coordinator) (2022), Integration and European Economic Law, 2nd ed., Lisbon: AAFDL, pp. 235-313;

(2022), “The international monetary and financial system and the right to assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)”, in Rodrigues, Nuno Cunha / Cunha, Alice (orgs./eds.) (2021), Portuguese Economic Development and External Funding in the Modern Era, Brighton / Chicago / Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, pp. 168-191;

(2022), “Regional political, legislative and financial autonomy”, in Madeira Global: Grande Dicionário Enciclopédico da Madeira, II, Lisbon: Theya, pp. 63-81;

(2022), “The reform of the economic governance of the E(M)U in the post-Covid 19”, co-authored with Nuno Cunha Rodrigues and Nazaré da Costa Cabral, in Molina del Pozo, Carlos (org.) (2022), Hacia la Construcción de un Verdadero Proyecto Federal para la Unión Europea, A Coruña: Colex, pp. 435-457;

(2023), “Quatro décadas de Portugal ‘na Europa’: Antes e depois da adesão e dos fundos europeus”, Bulletin of Economic Sciences, LXVI(Homage to Prof. Dr Manuel Carlos Lopes Porto) – volume II, pp. 1619-1660;

(2023), “La solidarietà tra i popoli e gli Stati d’Europa come base della “costruzione europea” [“Solidarity between the peoples and states of Europe at the basis of European integration”], in Graziani, Michela / Milani, Ada (eds.) (2023), Europa: Un Progetto in Costruzione. Omaggio a David Sassoli, Florence: Firenze University Press, pp. 163-182;

(2023), A European Union of Variable Geometry, Coimbra: Almedina (book, 512 pages).