Category: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest / research:
Banking Law
Civil law
Contract law
Financial Law
Civil Procedure Law
Academic Degrees:
Graduate of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (2017)
PhD student in Law, specialising in Legal Sciences, University of Lisbon Faculty of Law (since 2021)
Member of research centres:
Member of the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP).
Member of the boards of scientific journals:
Member of the Scientific Committee of Revista Ex Libris
Other Professional Activities:

Most relevant publications:
“Financial Services at a distance”, Estudos de Direito do Consumo, Vol. I., (Coord. Rui Paulo Coutinho de Mascarenhas Ataíde, Francisco Rodrigues Rocha and Vítor Palmela Fidalgo), Almedina, 2023.
“O regime jurídico dos empréstimos participativos: comentário ao Decreto-Lei n.º 11/2022, de 12 de janeiro”, Company Law Magazine, Year XIV, number 1 (2022), available online.
“Authorisation or confirmation of certain acts”, Special Proceedings, (coord. Rui Pinto and Ana Alves Leal, Vol. II, 59-70, AAFDL Editora, Lisbon (2021).
“On the Credit Securitisation regime in Portugal and the novelties of Regulations no. 4/2020 and no. 6/2020”, Revista de Direito Financeiro e dos Mercados de Capitais, Vol. 3, no. 11, 607-620 (2021), available online.
“Deposit Guarantee Fund. Summary assessment of the Draft Banking Code”, co-authored with Francisco Rodrigues Rocha, Revista de Direito Financeiro e dos Mercados de Capitais, Vol. 3, No. 10, 219-241 (2021), available online.
“The IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest: Portuguese courts differ” co-authored with Duarte Gorjão Henriques, Lexis PSL Arbitration Magazine (2017).