Miguel da Câmara Machado

Categoria: Guest Assistant

Areas of interest / research:

Commercial law, banking law, the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, law enforcement, compliance and corporate responsibility, in general and on ESG issues (environmental, social and corporate governance).
Criminal law, criminal procedure and administrative offences
Comparative and private international law
Civil law and civil procedure

Academic Degrees:

Law degree, 2010;
Completion of the academic part of the Master’s Degree in Legal and Criminal Sciences, 2012;
Admitted to the preparation of a Doctorate in Law, in Legal Sciences.

Scientific Research and Co-operation:

Member of international research projects:
Legal Expert and representative of Portugal in the international project “Reducing prison population: advanced tools of justice in Europe”, supported by the European Commission.

Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions:

Head of Psychology and Law modules at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon since 2013;
Responsible for the module on “Systems of Government and Electoral Processes – Comparative Perspective“, on the Electoral and Political Law Course of the Students’ Association of the Faculty of Law of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2013.

Member of research centres:

Researcher at the Private Law Research Centre;
Associate of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences;
Member of the Portuguese Institute of Civil Procedure.

Other Professional Activities:

Chief Legal Counsel / Director of the Legal Department of Banco de Investimento Global, S.A. (BiG), since May 2020;
Legal Counsel at Banco de Portugal, between 2014 and 2020;
Lawyer since 2013;
Trainee journalist at the newspaper “O Independente”, 2006.

Publicações mais relevantes:

  1. “How do you say “money laundering” in Russian? (отмывание денег?) and “too fast” in Ukrainian? (занадто швидко?)”, 3rd ed, pp. 9-24.
  2. These regimes will self-destruct in 5 seconds“, 2nd ed., pp. 9-18;
  3. Between a manual for sanctioners and a blank sanctioning code”, 1st ed, pp. 7-12.

Full CV