Categoria: Associate Professor with Aggregation
Areas of interest / research:
Public Finance
Economic and Monetary Union
Social Security
Public Policy
Public-Private Partnerships
Academic Degrees:
Law Degree, FDL (1994);
Master’s Degree in Legal and Community Sciences, FDL (1998);
PhD in Law (Legal and Economic Sciences), UL (2007);
Degree in Economics, Nova School of Business & Economics (2015).
Scientific Research and Co-operation
Bissau Law School, Guinea-Bissau
Agostinho Neto University Law School, Luanda, Angola
Eduardo Mondlane University Law School, Maputo, Moçambique

Member of editorial boards of scientific journals:
Deputy Director of the Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal.
Other Professional Activities:
Between 1997 and 2002 and between 2005 and 2007, she worked as a legal advisor and consultant in government offices, in the areas of Labour and Social Security;
In 2014, she was appointed by the Minister of State and Finance as a member of the Working Group responsible for revising the Budgetary Framework Law;
In 2015, she was hired as a national expert to take part in the European project entitled “Network of Experts on Intra-EU Mobility – Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination” (social protection of migrant workers, abbreviated as FreSsco) and also, as a national expert, to be part of the project “National feasibility assessment of the different European unemployment benefit scheme options”, carried out by the consortium led by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), at the European Commission, and tasked with assessing the conditions and feasibility of creating a Europe-wide unemployment benefit;
In 2018, she was appointed as an expert to the High-level Group of Experts on Pensions at the European Commission, a position she held until 2019;
Since March 2019 – Chairs the Senior Board of the Public Finance Council.
Most Relevant Publications:
(2021). “Borrowing in the European Union: from a pure national model to the antechamber of a European fiscal federal solution”, Journal of European Integration, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2021.1881499. Available:
(2021). A Teoria do Federalismo Financeiro, 4th edition, revised, Almedina, Coimbra. (Fiscal Federalism Theory)
(2021). The European Monetary Union After the Crisis – From a Fiscal Union to a Fiscal Capacity, Routledge: London & New York.
(2020). Finanças dos Subsectores – Segurança Social, Finanças Regionais e Locais (co-authored with Nuno Cunha Rodrigues), 2nd revised and updated edition, Almedina, Coimbra. (The Finances of the Subsectors Social security, Regional and Local Governments)
(2020). “Migrants’ Access to Social Protection in Portugal”, Jean-Michel Lafleur and Daniela Vintila (eds.), Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 1) Comparing Access to Welfare Entitlements, Springer, pp. 267-278.
(2019). “Pensions at a crossroad between social rights and financial markets: Which way to be chosen?”, Nazaré da Costa Cabral and Nuno Cunha Rodrigues (Ed.), The Future of Pension Plans in the EU Internal Market – Coping with Trade-Offs Between Social Rights and Capital Markets, Springer.
(2017). “The Eurozone’s private and governmental shock absorbers: current setup and future prospects”, Nazaré da Costa Cabral, José Renato Gonçalves and Nuno Cunha Rodrigues (Ed.), The Euro and the Crisis – Perspectives as a Monetary and Budgetary Union, Springer, pp. 249-269.
(2016). “Which Budgetary Union for the E(M)U?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 54. Number 6. pp. 1280-1295.
(2014). Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro – Notções Fundamentais (co-authored with Guilherme Waldemar d’Oliveira Martins), Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa, Lisbon. (Public Finances – Introductory Concepts)
(2014). “A reforma da segurança social portuguesa: análise de soluções à luz de uma escala gradativa de intensidade”, Fernando Ribeiro Mendes and Nazaré da Costa Cabral (eds.) , Por onde vai o Estado Social em Portugal?, Vida Económica, Porto, p. 273 ff. (On Social Security reforms)
(2010). Contribuições para a Segurança Social – Natureza, Aspectos de Regime e de Técnica e Perspectivas de Evolução num Contexto de Incerteza , Cadernos do IDEFF, no. 12, Almedina, Coimbra. (On Social Security Payroll Taxes)
(2009). Public-Private Partnerships, Cadernos do IDEFF, no. 9, Almedina, Coimbra. (Public-Private Partnerships)
(2008). Programming and Budgetary Decision – From the rationality of budgetary decisions to economic rationality, Colecção Teses, Almedina, Coimbra. (On Medium Term Expenditure Planning and Public Budgeting)