Category: Guest Assistant
Areas of interest / research:
Tax Law
International Tax Law
Academic Degrees:
Law degree in 2001
Master of Laws (legal-economic) in 2010
Scientific Research and Co-operation
Member of research centres:
Member of editorial boards of scientific journals:
Other Professional Activities:
Editor at Revista de Vinhos (Grupo Masemba Edições)
Most relevant publications:
Review of VV. Proihibition of Abuse of Law – a New General Principle of EU Law? by Rita de La Feria and Stefan Vogenauer (Org.), in Revista de Finanças Públicas e de Direito Fiscal, Ano V.03 (2012), pp. 307-309;
“Incomplete Notification, Recourse to Article 37 of the CPPT and the Principle of Non-Anticipation of the Reaction Period” in VV. (2011) Estudos em Memória Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor J. L. Saldanha Sanches, Vol. V., pp. 315 – 327;
O Contencioso das Taxas – Liquidação, Audição e Fundamentação, Almedina (2011);
25 years of Portugal’s European integration | 25 years of the European Institute in VV. Eduardo Paz Ferreira Org. (Coimbra, 2011) 25 anos na União Europeia:125 textos de reflexão;
“From Nineteenth Century Cross-Border Trade to the European Union as a Transnational Political Body” in VV. Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Paulo de Pitta e Cunha, Vol. 1 (2010);
Preface to the book Elisão Fiscal – Reflexões sobre a Evolução Jurídico-Doutrinária e Situação Actual by Anderson Furlan, Almedina (2007);
“Da Crença no Mercado Auto-Regulável aos Fenômenos Utópicos das Sociedades Comerciais e Elites Capitalistas: Notas Sobre as Esferas Económicas e Politicas das Práticas do Comércio Transfronteiriço nos Séculos XIX e XX”, in Soares Martines Coord. VV. (Coimbra, 2007) Globalização Económica;
“Prejuízos, Menos e Mais-Valias – Casos de Aplicação de Normas Anti-abusos Específicas do Código do IRC” in Fiscalidade, no. 29 (2007);
“Prices, Taxes and Independent Regulators: the Case of the Electricity Sector” in Ciência e Técnica Fiscal, no. 418 (2006);
“Justification and Burden of Proof in the Assessment of Tax for the (Re)reimbursement of Expenses to Employees”, Fiscalidade, no. 21 (2005);
“Commentary on Constitutional Court Rulings no. 20/2003 and no. 515/2003 (Subsoil Occupation Tax)”, in Ciência e Técnica Fiscal, no. 413 (2004).
Current Teaching Activity at FDUL:
Tax Law I, evening shift, classes 1, 2, 3 4 5.