Categoria: Assistant Professor
Areas of interest / research:
Civil Procedure Law
Law of Obligations
Labour Law
Securities law
Urban Lease Law
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Academic Degrees:
Law Degree, 1996
Master’s Degree in Legal Sciences, 2003
PhD in Legal Sciences, 2018

Scientific Research and Co-operation:
Member of research centres:
Member of the Portuguese Institute of Civil Procedure (IPPC –
Researcher at the Private Law Research Centre (CIDP –
Participant in the activities of the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences (ICJP –
Member of the Scientific Council of theInternational Association of Enforcement Agents(Union Internationale des Huissiers de Justice –
Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals:
Member of the Editorial Committee of the Intellectual PropertyJournal
Other Professional Activities:
Member of the Board of Directors of the Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (since February 2018)
Chairman of the Commission for the Efficiency of Enforcement (2009-2012)
Jurist/Coordinator at the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (since 2002; activity suspended in February 2018)
Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State for Local Administration (XVII Constitutional Government: 2005-2009)
Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State of the Minister of Justice (XIV Constitutional Government: 2000-2002)
Lawyer (1996-2000)
Most Relevant Publications:
- “Processo civil executivo português à luz da Convenção“, in Commentary on the European Convention on Human Rights and the Additional Protocols, Volume II (Coordinator: Paulo Pinto Albuquerque), Volume II, Universidade Católica Editora, November, 2019, 994-1003;
- “Cyberjustice”, in 23rd International Congress of the International Association of Enforcement Agents (UIHJ), 1st-4th May 2018, UIHJ Publishing, Paris, 2018, 427-435;
- “The supplementary application of civil procedural law to administrative proceedings”, in A revisão do Código de Processo nos Tribunais Administrativos – I, Centre for Judicial Studies, 2017, March, 79-94(;
- “Executive Process”, in 40 Years of Justice Policies in Portugal, Almedina, 2017, 269-298;
- “E-Justice, E-Agent d`exécution et la création de la Commission pour l`Efficacité des Exécutions: la reforme juridique de 2008 au Portugal”, in 20e Congrès Union International des Huissiers de Justice. Marseille. 7-12 septembre 2009, UIHJ Publishing, Paris, 2015, 261-270;
- “The Portuguese system of control over the profession of enforcement agent, in compliance with criteria defined by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice”, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Lebre de Freitas, Volume I, Coimbra Editora, July, 2013, 1119-1137;
- “Executive action in Portugal – 2000-2012”, in Julgar, no. 18, September-December, 2012, 77-100;
- Anotação do artigo 299.º do Tratado de Lisboa – collective work Tratado de Lisboa – anotado e comentado, under the coordination of Manuel Lopes Porto and Gonçalo Anastácio, Almedina, 2012, 1069-1072;
- “The role of the Portuguese Enforcement Agent and the competences of the Commission for the Efficiency of Enforcement Procedures” – publication in honour of Professor Jorge Miranda (available at – February, 2012);
- “The Portuguese system of control over the profession of enforcement agent, in compliance with criteria defined by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice”, in “Efficiency of enforcement proceedings of court judgments and acts of other official authorities”, Publications of the International Scientific Conference, June 8-11 2011, Kazan, Law Federal University, 2011, 291-306 (corresponds to the intervention made on 08.06.2011, as part of the 2nd International Conference “Efficiency Proceedings of Court Judgments and acts of other official authorities”, which took place on 8-11 June 2011 at the Kazan Federal Law University of the Russian Federation);
- “A Relevância da Participação dos Cidadãos e das Empresas na Comissão para a Eficácia das Execuções“, in Revista Indústria – Revista de Empresários e Negócios, by CIP – Confederação Empresarial de Portugal, no. 90, 52-53;
- “O Papel da Comissão para a Eficácia das Execuções”, in Boletim da Ordem dos Advogados, no. 85, December 2011, 64-65;
- “A relevância do papel da Comissão para a Eficácia das Execuções no sistema português”, in I Jornadas de Direito Processual Civil – Olhares Transmontanos, Valpaços, November, 2011, 233-246;
- “Du droit à l`exécution au droit de l`exécution”, in Actes du Colloque International de Sibiu (Roumaine) – 13-14-25 Mai 2009 – l`Europe judiciaire: 10 ans après le conseil de Tampere; le droit de l`exécution – perspectives transnationales, Éditions Juridiques et Techniques, Paris, 167-172;
- “Information Technologies and the Commission for Effective Enforcement: in search of greater speed, efficiency, rigour, quality and transparency”, in Interface – Administração Pública, no. 57, January 2011, 25-32;
- “Civil Justice: Efficiency and New Forms of Procedural Management” – collective work New Directions in Civil Justice – International Conference – Centre for Judicial Studies, 9 April 2008, organised by the Directorate-General for Justice Policy, CEJUR, Coimbra Editora, 81-98;
- “Les nouveautés législatives du Décret-loi n.º 226/2008, du 20 Novembre: le renforcement du rôle de l`agent d’exécution portugais et la création de la Commission Pour l`Efficacité des Exécutions”, Éditions Juridiques et Techniques, Paris, 2009, 285-293;
- “The Commission for the Efficiency of Executions”, in Scientia Iuridica, Volume LVIII, no. 317, (January/March) 2009, 129-157;
- “The measures taken between 2005 and 2008 to decongest the courts”, in Interface – Administração Pública – Anuário de 2008, no. 152, August 2008, 90-97;
- “Punitive Compensation and the criteria for determining it” – text presented at the Colloquium organised by the Supreme Court of Justice, on the subject of Civil Liability – New Perspectives (available at;
- “Experimental Civil Procedural Regime – Simplification and Procedural Management” – collective work organised by the Directorate-General for Justice Policy, CEJUR, Coimbra, 81-97;
- Civil Procedural Law I – Elements of Work – Volume II (Procedural Simulations prepared by the students) – co-authored with Paula Costa e Silva and Sofia Henriques, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2008;
- Civil Procedure Law I – Elements of Work – Volume I (Programme, Practical Cases, Tests and Exams) – co-authored with Paula Costa e Silva and Sofia Henriques, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2006 and 2010;
- Manual de Feitura de Leis – co-authored with Alexandre de Sousa Pinheiro, Instituto Nacional de Administração, I.P., Lisbon, May 2006;
- The Punitive Function of Civil Liability, Coimbra Editora, 2006;
- “Attachment and other procedures for seizing securities: implications of the new executive action regime”, in Direito dos Valores Mobiliários – Instituto dos Valores Mobiliários, Volume VI, 2006, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, 241-271;
- “Da aplicação do disposto no artigo 150.º, n.º 1 do Código de Processo Civil ao Direito de Mera Ordenação social – Anotação ao “Assento” n.º 1/2001, de 20 de Abril”, in Cadernos do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários, n.º 20, 2005, 140-158 (available at( );
- Review of the work by FERRUCCIO AULETTA, Il procedimento di istruzione probatoria mediante consulente tecnico, Pubblicazioni dell`Istituto di Diritto Processuale Civile della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, CEDAM, Padova, 2002, in Cadernos do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários, no. 18, 2004, 119-120 (available at );
- Processo Executivo – Elementos de Trabalho – co-authored with Paula Costa e Silva, Rui Pinto and Elsa Sequeira Santos, Coimbra Editora, 2004;
- “Metodologia e Execução da Reforma da Ação Executiva”, in Themis, Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2003, Year IV, no. 7, Almedina, 261-284;
- “The duties of information in the labour contract”, in Revista de Direito e Estudos Sociais, Year XLIV (XVII of the 2nd series), nos. 1 and 2, 2003, 29-157;
- “Punitive damages”, in Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, XLIII, no. 2, Coimbra, 2002, 1019-1111;
- “L`Exécution forcée des obligations pécuniaires au Portugal: situation actuelle et projet de réformes”, in Nouveaux droits dans un nouvel espace européen de justice – Le droit processuel et le droit de l`exécution, Éditions Juridiques et Techniques, Paris, 2002, 267-274;
- “A Reforma da Ação Executiva”, in Direito em Revista, no. 3, 2001, 32-33;
- “A relevância dos comportamentos da vida particular do trabalhador para efeitos de preenchimento do conceito de justa causa de despedimento”, in Revista Jurídica, AAFDL, 2001, 495-531.