Pedro Brito Veiga Moniz Lopes

Category: Assistant Professor

Areas of interest / research:

Administrative Law

Theory and Philosophy of Law

Fundamental Rights

Constitutional Law

Legislation and jurisprudence

Academic Degrees:

Law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 2004

Master’s Degree in Legal and Political Sciences, University of Lisbon Law School, 2010

PhD in Legal and Political Sciences from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 2016

Scientific Research and Co-operation

Lecturer at the Institute of Legal and Political Sciences of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon(

Founding member of LxLTG – Lisbon Legal Theory Group(

Member of ATFD – Association of Theory and Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

Member of research centres:

Senior researcher at the Public Law Research Centre (CIDP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon(

Member of the following international research projects:

– Coordinator of the “Bid+Justice” Project (“Use of Big Identifiable Data in the evaluation of judicial standards, for the improvement of Public Policies”) – project DSAIPA/DS/0134/2019.

– Member of the “Analytical Theory of Law” Project (Public Law Research Centre of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon)

– Member of the project “LegImpact – Legislative production as a means of realising public policies: quantitative analysis and socio-economic impact – project PTDC/DIR-OUT/32353/2017

Link to website:

Member of editorial boards of scientific journals:

Executive director of Revista e-Pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público(

Peer reviewer for the journal Diritto e Questioni Pubbliche – Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto e Cultura Giuridica (Università degli Studi di Palermo).

Peer reviewer for the Journal of Administrative Law – Getulio Vargas Foundation School of Law in Rio de Janeiro (FGV Direito Rio)

Peer reviewer for the Journal of State Sciences of the Federal University of Minas Gerais

Other Professional Activities:

Partner in charge of the Public Law, Regulation and Competition department (Cardigos e Associados ).

Arbitrator at CAAD – Administrative Arbitration Centre

Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sport

Most relevant publications:

  1. Theses
  • Normative derogability and administrative rules – the framework of regulatory rules in the theory of normative conflicts, 2 vols.
  • Principle of good faith and administrative decision-making – structure and operation in the discretion conferred by enabling rules, Coimbra, Almedina, 2011 (master’s thesis)

2. Books published

  • Legal Interpretation and Scientific Knowledge, Springer, 2019, D. Duarte / P. Moniz Lopes / J. Silva Sampaio ()
  • The Role of Legal Argumentation and Human Dignity in Constitutional Courts, Archiv für Rechts und Sozialphilosophie, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019, Nogueira de Brito / G. Damele / R. Herdy / P. Moniz Lopes / J. Sampaio (Eds.)

3. Books

  • Studies in the Theory of Law, I, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2018

4. International book chapters

  • Naturalizing interpretation: a first approach on “hardware” and “software” determinants of legal interpretation (co-authored with Franco) in D. Duarte / P. Moniz Lopes / J. Silva Sampaio, Legal Interpretation and Scientific Knowledge, Springer, 2019
  • Interpretative and normative ambivalences of human dignity – rights, dignity and morality in Fleming v Ireland in Nogueira de Brito / G. Damele / R. Herdy / P. Moniz Lopes / J. Sampaio (Eds.), The Role of Legal Argumentation and Human Dignity in Constitutional Courts, Archiv für Rechts und Sozialphilosophie, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2019
  • Balancing principles and a fortiori reasoning in D. Duarte and Silva Sampaio (Eds.), The Principle of Proportionality in Law – an Analytical Approach, Springer, 2018
  • The nature of competence norms, N.S. Sellers and S. Kirste (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Springer (2017),
  • Legal norms as hypothetical imperatives, N.S. Sellers and S. Kirste (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, M.N.S. Sellers and Stephan Kirste (Eds.), Springer (2017),;

5. Articles in internationally-circulated journals with scientific arbitration

  • The Syntax of Principles: genericity as a logical distinction between rules and principles in Ratio Juris, 30, issue 4, 2017, pp. 471-490
  • Implicazioni derivanti dalla genericità nella (in)coerenza e nella (in)completzza dei sistemi giuridici in Diritto & Questione Pubbliche| XVII, 2017 / 1 (giugno) | pp. 275-327
  • Principles as deontic inductions: inductive foresight, the informational deficit and conditional defeasibility in legal principles, Revista Nomos, issue 1011.1, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil (2011), pp. 197-235

6. National book chapters

  • (…) the appellant’s mind and her forceful clarity “is all that Marie has left””. On dignity, autonomy and morality, about the case of Fleming v Ireland in Reis Novais / T. Fidalgo de Freitas (Coord.), A Dignidade da Pessoa Humana na Justiça Constitucional. Almedina, 2018
  • Norms of competence for administrative protection in A VV., Organização administrativa: novos actores, novos modelos, vol. II, C. Amado Gomes et al. (Coord.), AAFDL, 2018, pp. 755-795
  • Conflicts of interest in public procurement: a first approach (co-authored with Teresa Capela) in AA. VV., Comentários à Revisão do Código dos Contratos Públicos, C. Amado Gomes et al. (Coord.), AAFDL, 2017, pp. 437-469
  • Commentary on Article 2 of the Preambular Decree (“Special Regimes”) in AA. VV., O Regime de Responsabilidade Civil Extracontratual do Estado e outras Entidades Públicas: Comentários à luz da Jurisprudência, Amado Gomes et al. (Coord.), AAFDL, 2017, pp. 125-143;
  • Object, conditions and consequences of regulatory invalidity in the new Code of Administrative Procedure in AA. VV., Comentários ao Novo Código do Procedimento Administrativo, C. Amado Gomes et al. (Coord.), AAFDL, 2015, pp. 847-879;
  • Urbanisation illegalities and reintegration measures: some questions regarding the procedural dichotomy between licensing and prior communication, in AAVV, A Revisão do Regime Jurídico da Urbanização e da Edificação, Almedina, 2015, pp. 205-225;
  • On judgements of qualitative partial unconstitutionality: constitutional statements of preference in As sentenças intermédia da justiça constitucional, coord. Blanco de Morais, Lisbon, AAFDL, 2009, pp. 477-577

7. Articles in national journals and other publications

  • The declaration of illegality by omission of urban plans in Litigation of urban plans: administrative and tax jurisdiction, Centre for Judicial Studies, October 2018, e-book, pp. 25-65.
  • Separation of powers, reserve of administrative function and normative allocation between legislative and regulatory acts in Vv., X Encontro de Professores de Direito Público (Coord. A. Gouveia Martins, A. Leão, B. Mac Crorie, P. Fragoso Martins), e-book ICJP-CIDP, 2017(, pp. 33-83
  • Are we positive about positive law in a global sphere? A comment on Edouard Fromageau’s “the Concept of Positive Law in Global Administrative Law” in e-Pública: Revista Eletrónica de Direito Público, Vol 2, no. 3, (2015); peer reviewed;
  • The substantive regime of regulations in the draft revision of the Code of Administrative Procedure: some structuring considerations in e-Pública: Electronic Journal of Public Law, 1, no. 1, (2014), peer reviewed;
  • Ponderação na revogação de actos administrativos invalidos, in Estudos em homenagem ao Professor Doutor Jorge Miranda, IV, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2012, pp. 769-795;
  • The legal value of jurisprudential decision rules, O Direito, 140, no. 3, (2008), pp. 645-695.