Categoria: Associate Professor
Areas of Interest / Research:
Administrative Law
Constitutional Law and Political Science
Law of the Sea
Human Rights
Theory and Philosophy of Law
Academic Degrees:
Law degree, 1998;
Master’s Degree in Legal and Political Sciences (Administrative Law), 2003;
PhD in Legal and Political Sciences (Administrative Law), 2011.

Investigação e Cooperação Científicas
Member of research centres:
Member of the Permanent Seminar of Young Scientists, part of the Institute of High Studies of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.
Member of the Public Law Research Centre (Institute of Legal and Political Sciences at FDUL).
Member of the editorial boards of scientific journals:
Member of the Editorial Board and co-founder of the magazine Direito & Política (Editora Dário de Bordo).
Member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Fórum de Direito Tributário ( Fórum Publishing House – Brazil).
Member of international research projects:
Human Rights at Sea Project (
Other Professional Activities
Visiting lecturer at the Centre for Judicial Studies
Assistant to the Representative of the Republic in the Autonomous Region of Madeira
Most Relevant Publications:
Fundamento da Autotutela Executiva da Administração Pública – Contributo para a sua compreensão como problema jurídico-político (Doctoral diss.), Almedina, Coimbra, 2012.
Commentary on the Portuguese Constitution, II – Economic Organisation(articles 80 to 107), coord. Paulo Otero, Almedina, Coimbra, 2008.
Autonomia Estatutária das Empresas Públicas – Contributo para o estudo da descentralização administrativa sob formas empresariais, (diss. mestr.) Almedina, Coimbra, 2005.
Collective works:
Direito Administrativo do Mar, coord. Rui Guerra da Fonseca / Miguel Assis Raimundo, Almedina, Coimbra, 2014.
Eichmann in Jerusalem: Between the Legal and the Political in Hannah Arendt’s Thought, in Eichmann in Jerusalem: 50 Years After, ed. Kai Ambos, Luís Pereira Coutinho, Maria Fernanda Palma, Paulo de Sousa Mendes, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2012, pp. 57-67.
Hegel e a administração pública (Polizei) como pilar da Constituição, in Estudos em Homenagem a Miguel Galvão Teles, I, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012, pp. 117-128.
Impartiality as the unavailability of fact: or the essential criterion of the distinction between administration and judge, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Jorge Miranda, IV, FDUL, Coimbra Ed., 2012, pp. 797-818.
Governação do Sector Portuário (aspectos introdutórios), in O Governo da Administração Pública, Pedro Costa Gonçalves (coord.), Almedina, Coimbra, 2013, pp. 145-180.
A execução do acto administrativo no Projecto de Revisão do Código do Procedimento Administrativo, in Direito & Política, no. 5, 2013, pp. 10-15.
Maritime space and administrative law: a framework, in Direito Administrativo do Mar, coord. Rui Guerra da Fonseca / Miguel Assis Raimundo, Almedina, Coimbra, 2014, 89-117.
The independence of the judge in Carl Schmitt, in Carl Schmitt Revisited, ed. Carlos Blanco de Morais / Luís Pereira Coutinho, ICJP, Lisbon, 2014, pp. 174-189 (ebook:
Tempo e as Vicissitudes Constitucionais: Degradação da Civilidade e Perda do Sentido Normativo, in V Encontrode Professores Portugueses de Direito Público, ed. Carla Amado Gomes, ICJP, 2012, pp. 31-43 (available at
The suspension of effectiveness of administrative acts in the Draft Revision of the Code of Procedure in Administrative Courts, E-Pública, 2, 2014( ).