Rui Paulo Coutinho de Mascarenhas Ataíde

Categoria: Assistant Professor

Areas of interest / research:

Civil Liability
Property Ownership/Registration
Consumer law
Testamentary and Legitimate Succession
Marital property law

Academic Degrees:

Law Degree (1982)
Master’s Degree in Civil Law (1999)
Doctorate in Civil Law (2013)

Scientific Research and Co-operation

Member of research centres:
Member of the Private Law Research Centre;
Institute of Private Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon;
Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Consumer Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 2014;
Chair of the Centre for Studies and Support for Legislative Reforms of the Faculty of Law of Bissau between 2002 and 2007 (legal research and legislative advisory body to the Government of Guinea-Bissau);
Scientific Advisor to the Bissau Law Faculty between 2002 and 2007;
Founding Associate of the Institute of Consumer Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, 2001.

International research projects:

Legal adviser to the European Union on updating the content of consumer law and marketing for the consumer law section of the EU Justice portal (2019- Service Contract Number JUST/2017/CONS/PR/CO02/0059).

Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions:

Teaching Commercial Law and Law of Obligations at the Faculty of Law of Bissau between 2002 and 2007.

Other Professional Activities:

Legal consultancy (private entities, namely banks and companies in general and individuals and public entities, in particular the Portuguese Republic, the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau).


Publicações Mais Relevantes:

“Road accidents. Subjective liability, presumptions of fault and objective liability”, (co-authored with António Barroso Ramalho Rodrigues), Julgar Magazine No. 46 – 2022, pp. 13-32.

“Punitive damages”, Journal of Liability Law (

“Concurrence of imputations in the context of road accidents. The risks inherent to the vehicle and the fact of the injured party, whether culpable or merely causal”, Civil Law Magazine, Year VI (2021), 2, pp. 319-341.

“Conventional models for regulating and distributing contractual risk. In particular, hardship clauses”, Civil Law Magazine, Year VI (2021), 1, pp. 63-84.

“Real estate contracts and consumer relations”, Lisbon Law Review, 2020, No. 2, pp. 609-627.

Institutionalised arbitration of consumer law disputes: notes on the scope of application of Law no. 144/2015, of 08 September (Mechanisms for the Extrajudicial Resolution of Consumer Disputes) (co-authored with Inês Sítima Craveiro), International Journal of Arbitration and Conciliation – Year XIII – 2020, pp. 37-86.

“Private contract law in the face of the pandemic crisis”, E-Book – 2nd New Coronavirus and Management of the Contractual Crisis – Contracts in Particular and Liability, Private Law Research Centre (CIDP) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, June/2020.

“Unfair terms in insurance contracts” Civil Law Magazine (Private Law Institute – Lisbon Law School), Year V (2020), 1, pp. 115-125.

“Criteria for ascertaining negligent fault” (co-authored with Inês Sítima Craveiro), Revista O Direito, Year 152, II (2020), pp. 343-355.

Civil liability for breach of duty in traffic, Coimbra, Almedina, 2019 (reprint).

Duties in traffic, Civil Code: Fiftieth Anniversary Book, Coimbra, Almedina, 2019, Volume II, pp. 1475-1495.

“Denunciation and opposition to renewal of the urban lease”, I Congress of Lease Law, Almedina, 2019, pp. 99-114.

“Right to be Forgotten”, Civil Law Magazine (Private Law Institute – Lisbon Law School), Year III (2018), 2, pp. 281-295.

“The substantive effects of the Land Registry”, ROA, Year 77 – Vol. I/II – Jan./Jun. 2017, pp. 553-590.

“O cuidado entre a ilicitude e a culpa”, Civil Law Magazine (Private Law Institute – Lisbon Law School), Year II (2017), 4, pp. 839-848= FIDES Magazine, Natal, V. 8, n. 2, Jul./Dec, 2017 (

“Civil liability of financial supervisory and regulatory authorities”, Revista O Direito III, Ano 149º (2017), pp. 601-608.

“Cargo handling in port and civil liability”, Civil Law Magazine (Private Law Institute – Lisbon Law School), Year II (2017), 2, pp. 257-280.

The attributive effect of the Land Registry in Article 291 of the Civil Code, Vida Judiciária, No. 201, May/June 2017 (Lusophone thematic issue on Notary and Land Registry).

Article 291 of the Civil Code and the unenforceability to third parties of the nullity and annulment of a legal transaction, Lisbon Law Review, 2017, No. 2, pp. 205-212.

Civil liability for breach of duty in traffic, Almedina, 2014 (in press);

“Parental authority, personality rights and civil liability. The validity of fundamental rights in the private legal order”, Studies dedicated to Professor Luís Alberto Carvalho Fernandes, Universidade Católica Editora, Lisbon, 2011, Volume III, pp. 337-409.

“Accidents on motorways: nature and legal regime of the liability of concessionaires”, Wolters Kluwer Portugal, 2010= Estudos em Homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Carlos Ferreira de Almeida, Almedina, 2011, Volume II, pp. 157-199;

“Causality and objective imputation in the theory of civil liability. A sobreposição das concepções normativas”, Wolters Kluwer Portugal, 2010= Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Sérvulo Correia, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2010, Volume III, pp. 181-237;

“Natureza e regime jurídico dos deveres acessórios de conduta”, Wolters Kluwer Portugal, 2010 = Estudos Comemorativos dos Vinte Anos da Faculdade de Direito de Bissau, Volume I, Lisbon-Bissau, 2010, pp. 507-570;

OHADA – Treaty, Regulations and Uniform Acts, M. Januário da Costa Gomes/Rui Ataíde, Almedina, Lisbon, 2008;

A responsabilidade do “representado” na representação tolerada – Um problema de representação sem poderes, AAFDL, Lisbon, 2008.