Sandra Lopes Luís.


Visiting Assistant Professor

Areas of interest/research:

Administrative Law
Administrative Litigation
Constitutional Law
Fundamental Rights
Lusophone Public Law


Doctorate in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, in Legal and Political Sciences, 2018.

Master’s in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, in Legal and Political Sciences, 2008.

Law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, in Legal and Political Sciences, 2003.

Member of Research Centres:

Effective Integrated Researcher at CIDP- Lisbon Public Law
Institute of Legal and Political Sciences – ICJP

Teaching activity at FDUL:

Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon from 2018 to the present.

Guest Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon from 2010 to 2018.

Trainee Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon from 2007-2010 – seconded to teach in Mozambique under the Cooperation Agreement signed with the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and the Faculty of Law of the Eduardo Mondlane University.

Teaching at other institutions:

Portuguese Catholic University and Military University Institute.

Scientific co-operation:

Co-operation actions with Portuguese-speaking countries.

Other professional activities:

Consultancy (opinion activity in the area of Administrative Law)

Lawyer (with suspended OA membership)

Publicações mais relevantes:

A aceitação do acto administrativo no direito português – positivação, conceito e efeitos, AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2021.

A acção contra particulares no contencioso administrativo português – contributo para o estudo da tutela jurisdicional nas relações administrativas entre particulares, FDUL Press, Lisbon, 2021.

Introduction to the Study of Law, 4th edition (reprint), AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2022.

Judgements of proportionality and reasonableness in the light of articles 7 and 8 of the Code of Administrative Procedure, in O princípio da proporcionalidade – XIII Encontro de Professores de Direito Público/2020 (org. Dulce Lopes/Francisco Pereira Coutinho/Catarina Santos Botelho).

O âmbito de aplicação do Código de Procedimento Administrativo da Guiné-Bissau, in Estudos Comemorativos dos 30 anos da Faculdade de Direito da Guiné-Bissau, AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2021, pp. 853 et seq.

Os Direitos Fundamentais das Pessoas Colectivas – breves considerações, in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Wladimir Brito (coord. Mário Ferreira Monte/Joaquim Freitas da Rocha/Maria de Assunção de Vale Pereira), Almedina, Coimbra, 2020, pp. 1483 et seq.

Questions of legitimacy in Article 4(2) of the ETAF, in Comentários à legislação procedual administrativa (coord. Carla Amado Gomes/ Ana Fernanda Neves/ Tiago Serrão), 5th edition, AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2020, pp. 407 et seq.

Public consortia, in Administrative Organisation: new players, new models, vol I (coord. Carla Amado Gomes/Ana Fernanda Neves /Tiago Serrão), AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2018, pp. 743 et seq.

O artigo 2º do regime da responsabilidade civil extracontratual do Estado e demais entidades públicas, in O regime da responsabilidade civil extracontratual do Estado e demais entidades públicas: comentários à luz da jurisprudência (coord. Carla Amado Gomes/Ricardo Pedro /Tiago Serrão), AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2017, pp. 201 et seq.

A look at the scope of the administrative courts’ jurisdiction, in Estudos em Homenagem a Rui Machete (org. Paulo Otero/Carla Amado Gomes/Tiago Serrão.), Almedina, Coimbra, 2015, pp. 983 et seq.

Provisional measures in the (new) CPA, in Comentários ao Novo Código de Procedimento Administrativo (Comments to the New Code of Administrative Procedure) (coord. Carla Amado Gomes/Ana Fernanda Neves/Tiago Serrão), AAFDL Editora, Lisbon, 2015, pp. 609 et seq.

Revocation of (valid) administrative acts in the Draft Revision of the Code of Administrative Procedure, in Revista de Direito Público, no. 10, Year V, Jul – Dec, Almedina, Coimbra, 2013, pp. 115 et seq.

A parallel legality? Reflections on informal administrative activity, text in collaboration with Professor Carla Amado Gomes, in IP – Interesse Público, bimonthly magazine of Public Law, Editora Fórum Ltda, Year 14, no. 75, Sept-Oct, Belo Horizonte, 2012.

The Amparo Appeal: a possible solution? in Studies in Honour of Professor Jorge Miranda, vol. III, Almedina, Coimbra, 2012, pp. 701 et seq.

As Recomendações do Provedor de Justiça – uma abordagem jurídico-constitucional , in Revista de Direito Público, no. 6, Year III, Jul – Dec, Almedina, Coimbra, 2011, pp. 129 et seq.

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