Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas

Categoria: Guest Assistant

Areas of interest / research:
Constitutional law
Fundamental rights
Administrative law
Public international law
Civil aviation law

Academic Degrees:
Law degree, mention of legal-political sciences, 2004;
LL.M. in Law, New York University School of Law, 2007;
LL.M. in Comparative, European and International Law, European University Institute, 2009.

Scientific Research and Co-operation

Member of research centres:
Associate researcher and Executive consultant, CIDP – Public Law Research Centre

Members of international research projects:
Judicial activism, CIDP – Public Law Research Centre
Informal mutations of the Constitution, CIDP – Public Law Research Centre
Social rights and the challenges of the economic and financial crisis, CIDP – Public Law Research Centre
Global administrative law, CIDP – Public Law Research Centre

Teaching or research activity in other Higher Education Institutions:
PhD researcher, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 2008 – (ongoing)
Visiting doctoral researcher, Getúlio Vargas Foundation – School of Law, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , 2010/2011
Research assistant, European University Institute, Florence, Italy, 2008/2009, 2009/2010
Visiting Assistant Professor, Portuguese Catholic University Law School, 2007/2008
Research assistant, New York University School of Law, 2006/2007

Other Professional Activities:
External consultant, Sérvulo & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados RL, 2010 – [ongoing]
Lawyer, Sérvulo & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados RL, Public Law, Regulation and Public Procurement Department, 2008-2010
Lawyer/ Trainee Lawyer, Sérvulo Correia & Associados – Sociedade de Advogados RL, Public Law, Regulation and Public Procurement Department, 2004-2008

Most Relevant Publications:
Access to Administrative Information. Coimbra: Almedina – ICJP/CIDP Collection, 2021.

(ed.), Social rights and the 70th anniversary of the Second Bill of Rights, e-Pública. Revista electrónica de direito público, n. 3 (2014) (in collaboration with M. Nogueira de Brito and J. Silva Sampaio);

Judicial restraint and political responsibility: A review of the jurisprudence of Italian, Spanish and Portuguese high courts on same-sex couples, in D. Gallo et al. (eds.), Same-sex couples before national, supranational and international jurisdictions, pp. 287-317 (Berlin Heidelberg 2014) (co-authored with D. Tega);

The public model: ICAO’s standards and recommended practices, in S. Cassese et al. (eds.), Global administrative law. Cases, materials, issues, 3rd edition (New York and Rome 2012);
“Management control” in public law bodies and legal persons of (mere) public utility, Cadernos de justiça administrativa, no. 83, pp. 29-40 (2010);

Competition law and professional organisations (Coimbra 2010) (co-authored with J. M. Sérvulo Correia, R. Medeiros and R. Lanceiro);

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and its relationship with the European Convention on Human Rights, in Aa.Vv., Estudos em homenagem ao Prof. Doutor Sérvulo Correia, IV, pp. 761-853 (Lisbon 2010);

Portuguese migration law. A constitutional and administrative overview, European review of public law, vol. 21/I, pp. 345-401 (2009);

Enquadramento da reforma do Estatuto Político-Administrativo da Região Autónoma dos Açores (unpublished) (Lisbon 2006) (co-authored with R. Medeiros and R. Lanceiro);

O princípio da proibição de retrocesso social, in Aa.Vv., Estudos em memória do Professor Doutor Marcello Caetano, II, pp. 783-850 (Lisbon 2006);

O desenvolvimento de leis de bases pela Assembleia da República, Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, vol. 42, pp. 1707-1759 (2001).